chapter 12

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"as always i fucked up and made things worse. why do i still let myself burden them?"

y/n's pov:

i wake to the soft beams of the sun dancing across a familiar room, i sat up looking around at my surroundings. there was soft baby pink walls, with stuffed animals neatly placed on shelfs and small toys scattered on the ground. white curtains danced with the soft breeze blowing from the open window to my left. looking to my right i noticed a height chart attached to a open door. putting the pieces together i realized where i was. 'why am i home?'  i questioned standing up from the soft bed walking towards the cracked open door. i peaked on looking left and right before stepping out of the room. before i could take two steps out someone zoomed in front of me and towards the stairs. "y/n! come on the pancakes are gonna get cold!" someone a few years younger than me spoke. "beverly?" i whispered watching my sister race into the kitchen me following shortly after. we stepped into the kitchen with my father already seated sipping his coffee and reading the paper. beverly hopped into a chair and patted to the empty one next to her. i cautiously sat down , "morning ladies, how did we sleep?" father spoke folding the paper and setting it on the table. "fine papa!" beverly replied watching eagerly as my mother severed us each a pancake or two. "glad to hear it kiddo" he replied ruffling her hair. "this looks really good mom" i said looking at the blueberry pancakes on the plate in front of me. "good! i work hard on your food you know" she said daintily cutting a piece and tossing it into her mouth. I began to wiggle my fork cutting into my breakfast and before my eyes my food went from pancakes to steak, and the sun into the night sky. "this is a lovely cut david" mother spoke chewing a piece of steak in her mouth. "thank you, now have some manners diana set an example!" father spoke sternly. i flinched at the volume of his voice but didn't dare speak. we continued eating awkward silence with only the sound of a dripping tap. 'wait, why is the tap dripping?'  i wondered "david didn't i tell you to fix that dammed tap!" mother spoke aggressively. "sometimes i have other things to do diana like put bread on the table!" he hollered back, and they contained to yell at one and other until the scrape of beverly pulling her chair out and running out of the house stopped them for a second before returning. i chased beverly out into the street where she stood wide eyed in front of a semi speeding towards her. i tired yelling at her to move but she just turned to me and smiled before the semi rammed into her. i couldn't do anything, i couldn't move, or talk i could just stand and stare at her corpse. tears streamed down my face and i ran. 'it was my fault she was hit. it should've been me'  i thought returning to the kitchen to tell my parents of what had just happened. but when i retuned their was just mother standing there while the sink overflowed with black tar. "i wish your father would just fix things and not let them get worse..." she said quietly. "where did he go?" i asked. "he left, just how everyone else left us. or more you." she said turning to face me drying a dish in her hand. "what no. how is any of this my fault!" i yelled salty tears and snot running down my face and dripping on my shirt. "don't you get it y/n? your all alone just like me." she said dropping the dish to shatter on the ground. i jumped a bit "no, no im nothing like you! i'll never be anything like you!" "oh? then how come you've pushed away just like i taught you? how come you manipulate and play the victim just so others comfort and give you attention? you had to have learned that from someone? right?" i just stood there shocked. shocked my other admitted how horrible she is, shocked that she was right, i am just like her. i collapsed on the ground shaking and violently sobbing. my shirt was covered in snot and the black tar i was sitting in. mother reached down and pulled me up, and just like that it was day again and the sun kissed my agony stained face lightly. "if you worry yourself anymore you'll get worry lines, and you've already given yourself enough of those on your wrists hmm?" she said calmly stroking my cheek lovingly. she pulled me into a hug, slowly swaying back and forth. i felt frozen, 'is this what love feels like?' i questioned. too frozen to notice the large butcher knife sitting comfortability in her hand. and then i felt a sharp pain in my back and a gentle breeze by my ear. "im so proud of you honey, i love you" she said and i could almost hear the smile in her voice. with the last of my strength i whispered "really?" back before falling through the floor into a void of emptiness. 'i love you too mom' i thought. 


word count: 908


a/n hello! thank you all for 1k views!!! you all are insane! new chapter coming soon :) 

arson <3

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