chapter 3

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"y/n?" i said aloud looking they're familiar scratched up face. 

y/n's pov: 

    i paused for a minute before running and then sliding across the tile floor to tommy. i cupped his face in my hands while i studied his face, it was littered in little cuts and dirt. but it was really him, "tommy? oh my god  im so glad i found you!" i said while pulling him into a tight squeeze. i almost didn't notice his wince when i pulled him into the hug. i quickly pulled away and looked into his grayish blue eyes, "tommy what's wrong, are you okay?" i questioned concern lacing my words. he paused for a moment before glancing down at a deep gash in his leg. my whole body tensed up for a second wondering how this kid was still conscious  i mean that must hurt like hell. i snapped back to reality and quickly pulled out my first aid kit "thank god i know first aid" i muttered under my breath while getting to work. thankfully his gash wasn't so deep hit needed stiches but he would definitely have a limp for a couple days. "all done!" i smiled glancing back up at the younger boy. he quietly thanked me before pulling me back into a hug, i could feel a few tears fall down onto my hoodie. i knew some of them were tears of pain but the majority were tears of happiness. in that moment i could probably start crying too, but i told myself i wouldn't. i had to be strong for tommy, i had to take care of him now. i know he isn't much younger than me (only a 3 year age gap) but we had always had this sibling bond. i saw him and tubbo as my little brothers. fuck tubbo, where was he? was he okay? was he safe? i didn't know. at least i knew one of my friends was safe. "tommy? have you seen anyone else?" i said while pulling away from tommy. he paused for a moment before responding to my query. "yeah.. i was with tubbo and will before we got split up" he said quietly. "at least we know they're safe" i replied smiling down at tommy while throwing my bag on my back. i didn't know wilbur very well, we had only spoken a few times. but i was mainly relived that tubbo wasn't alone in the middle of all of this. i pulled tommy up before wandering around the store more, it was quiet. not awkward silence, comfortable silence. tommy cracked a few joke here and there which lightened the mood, and for a split second i didn't think about how the world was falling apart. 

wilbur's pov:

 *timeskip to right after wilbur and tubbo lost tommy*

    me and tubbo were now sitting behind a dumpster catching our breaths. we has just ran for our lives away from a horde of zombies, and lost tommy. "fuck!" i said while slamming my back into the brick building.  i pulled my knees into my chest and put my head in my hands, i had one job. one fucking job and i couldn't do that right, all i had to do was keep to teenagers under my supervision. i just had to make sure they were safe. i had both of them together for a day, a fucking day! as much as i gave tommy a hard time and made fun of him, he was like family to me. and i let him down, now he's lost and alone. "will? will, its going to be alright you know? tommy's smart he'll find his way back to us, if we can't find a way to him." tubbo said seeing my distressed body language. i faked a smile and nodded. i didn't a hundred percent believe his words but i had to. he was right, tommy is a very smart kid he can handle himself. right?  "SHIT!" my train of though was broken through by a familiar shout. i glanced over to tubbo who must have heard the same thing. i looked over to where tubbo was looking to see a man about my height, with a white bandana covering the lower half of his face. he had a green smiley hoodie on, then it clicked in my head. it must've for tubbo too, because we both exchanged the same confused yet excited look. we watched in silence as the man darted into a near by alleyway loosing the zombies that were following him. "do you think that's-" tubbo started before i cut him off "yeah i think so" i replied before standing up and carefully walking towards the alleyway. occasionally glancing back to make sure tubbo was following. i couldn't lose two kids in one day. as we creeped closer the man sitting in the alleyway he pulled down the bandana that was partly covering his face, and mouthed "willbur?" i quickly nodded and picked up my pace. same with tubbo, i don't think i'd ever been so happy to see another person before. 

a/n: hello everyone!! i have a lot of motivation rn so after i type this ill be working on the next chapter :) again thank you for all of the support, it means the world to me :)) have a good day, go drink some water and get some food! 

-karson <3

word count: 905 words 

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