chapter 15

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"there was a faint beating and that's all y/n needed. they had to save him"

y/n's pov:

slowly i returned back to the woods, the soft crunching of leaves following me while a soft drizzle dampens my hair. my walk was a rushed one, for all I knew I had killed two people in the last 12 hours. but thankfully when i reached george he was still breathing and conscious. Without wasting time i situated myself beside him carefully tending to the gunshot in his lower abdomen. he stayed quiet as i worked besides the occasional groan, "almost done" i reassured him pulling the gauze i had wrapped around the wound tighter. I slumped down beside him, leaning against the tree, tracing my fingers over the ridges in the bark. the soft drizzle had turned into a rain, "hey wait a second" i said sitting up and reaching into my bag revealing a pack of cigarettes and a bottle of rum. "when did you have the time to get this?" he said pulling a cigarette from the box, lighting with a match. "borrowed it from.. the house when i got medical supplies." he simply nodded deeply inhaling and exhaling the smoke pooling from the cigarette. I opened the whisky bottle bringing the glass to my lips letting the familiar flavor of stolen alcohol drip down my throat. I gestured the bottle towards him, he shook his head sighing "i dont drink" he said softly. he offered me his cigarette with which i replied "i dont smoke, anymore" we both laughed softly before returning to the ambiance of the woods. "were so fucked over" i laughed softly, "yeah, yeah i guess we are huh?" george softy replied coughing on the smoke coming from his lips. he grabbed his stomach wheezing, blood splattering on his shoes and the floor below us. "George? Oh shit, hey, hey its alright, your gonna be alright!" i said panickly not knowing what to do. "It's not, y/n stop lying to yourself." he said wiping blood from his chin. "what? what do you mean?" i said my voice trembling. "you don't need to pretend anymore, you know you failed me like everyone else. all you have to do know is wake up and face the consequences".  i quickly sat up hyperventilating, turning to my left to see george slumped over blood covering his shirt and chin. "no,no,no" i whispered pulling his wrist closer to me placing to fingers, "no, no, no, george you promised, you promised you wouldn't leave! i-i fuck.." i said starring at his corpse. my tears mixed with the water dripping from the sky above. "we-we'll be okay, y-yeah wer-were gonna be just fine." i said reassuring myself and the empty forest surrounding me. i schooced myself closer to george, pulling his limp arm around my shoulders. i layed my head on his shoulder sniffling softly while the rain comforted me. "im sorry. i should've trusted you, you were only looking out for me." "did you hear that clay? it sounded like it came from that way!" i heard a distant voice say, "oh shit, hey, hey listen i-i'll be back okay? i-i just gotta get some distance for a bit! ill be back soon" i said softly my voice trembling. quickly i scooped my belongings into my bag and ran off, i glanced back one last time before heading deeper into the woods.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------a/n: hello all! im sorry for my absence! i also apolgize for the messed up chapter lmao it might be like this for a bit but i promise things will even themselves out! talk soon :) arson <3

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