chapter 6

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"as me and tubbo followed clay out of the alleyway"

dream's pov:

    our little group had probably been walking around for about 3 hours, we had mainly finished getting supplies and were now looking for somewhere safe to set up camp. i was about to point out apartment building a few blocks down but tubbo spoke up first. "hey guys look!" he said pointing his finger towards the direction of a gas station across the street. "should we check it out real quick" he added turning back to his taller friends. wilbur cocked his head slightly to the side before shrugging his shoulders, "why not? what could go wrong?" he said in a chipper voice. i turned to him raising an eyebrow "are you trying to get us jinxed?" i said before following tubbo in the direction of the gas station. i swear to god of this kid get's us killed  i said in my head rolling my eyes. we finally step in to the gas station, or more step through the shattered door frames. he glanced around the store, it didn't seem to have much supplies. it also was littered with candy wrappers and a few empty plastic waterbottles.

 for some reason me and wilbur were still following tubbo around, all three of us made out way into the back of the store. there was a door behind the checkout counter, which i assumed lead to a employees lounge of some sort. ignoring my better judgement i walked in front of the others and swung open the door. inside was a decent room with a small table and two chairs in the corner. there were a few things flung around the room and coats layed neatly on the ground. "oh shit.. someone's living here" wilbur said quietly under his breath. we all shared a look before heading to the exit of the store. before we got passed the checkout counter a familiar voice spoke. "hands up and weapons down."

george's pov:

as nick spoke i took a double take on one of the taller figures, something about him was familar. and then it hit me. "c-clay?" i felt my begin to swell with tears as the taller man pulled down his bandana "george?!" and we speed towards each other, hugging for what felt like hours before nick spoke once more "oh my god, your alive?!" he said as his gun fell to the tile floor. then we all three embraced the dream team's back together i thought before pulling apart from the hug. i turned to see wilbur, we had met once before with dream and i gave him a hug as well. sapnap did the same, tubbo than hugged my chest "george! its so good to meet you in person! same with you sapnap!" he said turning to face sapnap too. "i assume this is your guys camp?" wilbur said. "yep! me and george have been here the past few days" nick said pulling to his side. it was amazing we weren't alone anymore. the next hours were spent catching up with each other and figuring out where everyone would sleep ect. maybe there is some hope left i thought smiling to myself. 

tommy's pov:

"y/nnnnn, im tired of walkingggg!" i said stretching out their name. "shut up, gremlin child" they replied rolling their eyes in a joking manor. i pretended to pout which got a chuckle out of them. then the silence came back, i never liked silence it was always unnerving to me. especially with our situation. "hey y/n?" i said glancing in their direction "hmm?" they replied keeping their eyes ahead. "..there's a car over" i muttered under my breath. y/n looked up, excitement in their eyes. "tommy come on!" they said grabbing my wrist and dragging me behind them. y/n climbed into the drivers seat and began the process of hot wiring the car. i stood back in awe as they fiddled with two wires until the car engine started up. 

"fuck yeah!" i said high fiving y/n. i hoped into the front passenger seat and watched out the window as we drove around aimlessly. they seemed to have an idea and started heading to a gated neighborhood. just before we could pull in front of the gate, our car ran out of gas. granted it did take us a good distance from our original spot. y/n and i hoped out of our car making our way towards the gate. i paused for a moment trying to figure out how we would get over "you coming?" y/n hollered from the other side of the gate. "can you climb up on your own tom?" i nodded and flung myself over the gate. i landed in a small patch of grass, y/n put out their hand and pulled me up. "okay tommy your choice" they said with open arms "my choice?" i said confused. "which house shall we crash at?" they said with a smirk. that same smirk spread to my lips as well. we walked around the neighborhood before i picked our house for the meanwhile. "you got nice taste toms" they said prying open the front door and walking inside the house. and damn was it a nice house!

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