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Chapter 6


"Hey Momma...." Her eyes slowly opened as a smile spread across her face, "Elaine.."

When I got here they told me the news, she wasn't gonna make it through the night. She's the only family I have left...hearing she'd be gone tonight just...it was too much.

She grabbed my hand before her smile faded, "don't be sad...I will always be with you. Elaine you are my daughter, you are strong and independent. You've never needed anyone, make me proud Anie." I nodded looking down at our hands, "I love you Ma...you won't be disappointed."

Her eyes met mine one last time, "my ring" I looked up confused as she took her ring off her finger and slid it onto my mine. After that her breathing slowed and the life just seemingly faded from her body...

Present time

I woke up drenched in sweat, that dream always repeats in my head when i'm stressed. The fight with King was 2 days ago, it is now Monday morning, 4 am.

Since I was already awake I decided to get in the shower, I changed into a plain red sweatshirt with black jeans and paired that with some white vans. I pulled my hair up into a messy bun while I walked into the kitchen to make breakfast.

"GOOOOOODmorning Laine Anie." Imani yelled busting open my apartment door. "Can you please just be more careful with my door."

"Nope" She said pulling donuts out of a bag. "Still no word from King?" I shook my head staring at my hands in my lap. "Laine maybe you should talk to him..."

He was right, he does have a life besides me. I don't want him to stay with me if he feels trapped. "No...it's probably better this way anyways."

"Okay, whatever you wanna believe, Valens outside legggooo."

Imani was always one to make me feel better through anything.


"Excuse me ya bitch why haven't I heard from you." Carter pushed my shoulder with the tips of his fingers.

"She's been too busy sulking around her house to speak to anyone for the past 2 days." I caught Valen and Carter exchange looks before turning to me. "Can we do the whole speech later, I just wanna get this day over with." They all reluctantly walked behind me.

I knew I was gonna see King, I couldn't avoid it. I wonder if he's thought about me?

As soon as I walked into the room his eyes met mine. Just look at the ground. Get to your seat, keep your eyes down.


I've kept my eyes on the ground for exactly 127 seconds... yes i've been counting. Andddd his eyes have been on me for the past 127 seconds, I know because Cole has tapped me 25 times in the 127 seconds to notify me.

"Elaine." His deep voice lowly growled. Was he angry at me? I lifted my head slightly, "Yes?"

"You look tired."

"I'm aware of my appearance." He smiled slightly, "How are you.."

I sat there in silence for a long time trying to figure out if I was hallucinating this conversation or not.

"Elaine." Nope, this was happening.

"I'm fine."

"Miss me?"

"Nope. It's been peaceful."

"Did you know that when you lie your eyes get wider."

"No they don't."

"Lies. It's okay to miss me ya know."

I rolled my eyes shifting my body away from him. "Because I know that I miss you."

I glanced over my shoulder to slightly see his face, "No you don't."



He pulled his chair next to mine, close enough to where his leg was touching mine. "Because i'd say." he slowly rubbed his hand over my inner thigh sending chills down my spine "that I missed you a lot."

I sat speechless.

He pulled his hand away and rested his elbow on my desk, "Did you miss me," He asked in a more demanding tone then questioning.

I shrugged, "you tell me". Staring at me blankly, he rubbed the top of my hand "i'll pick you up from work." I shook my head laughing " how'd you know I worked?"

"Love, I know your entire schedule."


"Yes! And then he called her love!" Valen told the whole locker room at Dublins. "We're barley even friends, it's not that serious." I sighed putting my shoes in my locker.

"Not that serious?! Are you kidding me!"

"Just be quiet and come on."

We were definitely something like friends? Something along the lines of acquaintances, friends, and friends with benefits maybe?

"Nice rack" Some random said eyeing Valen, normally we say something but we've all learned Valen enjoys these compliments and attention. "Thank you baby." Imani and I always exchange looks, we love her but sometimes we worry about the guys she lets give her attention like that.


And finally, my shift was over. It feels like they get longer and longer everyday. "You ready?"

I shrieked when I heard Kings voice, as I only had a bra and underwear on changing in the locker room, i'd never wear our uniforms outside this restaurant.

He smirked as his eyes scanned over every inch of my revealed body, "King!"

"I can have you scream that later."

My jaw dropped as I hurried and put my sweatshirt on.

"Damn, you're beautiful."

I dropped my eyes to my feet and smiled "Thank you."

He walked over to me, lifting my chin making me look at him, "Let's go home."

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