Chapter 9: The Sickness...

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    After we got to Seattle, the guys went to the gym. I'm still not talking to Jay. Eventually we will need to talk about this whole "marriage" thing. Adam said they would be a while so here I am. Headphones in, pajamas on, jumping on the bed, singing like an idiot. After a while I turn around and there they are....Recording the whole thing... What the hell...

    "Can't a woman have some quiet time around here?"
    "No little sister, not you. Hahahaha. Welll, Ill be back in a bit."
    "Oh sure, here I come Adam."
    "Annnndddd thats my cue! Bye guys!"
    Adam left. Jay just sat on the bed, not looking at me but his phone. I snatched it out of his hands and put it in my shirt.

    "I'm not afraid to go in there."
    "You will sit down, shut up, and listen. Legally we are now married, much to my dismay. I may have wanted cuddles last night, but I was hurt. My eye is BLACK and BLUE, it still is! My shoulder is messed up and I wanted my husband. If you keep acting like this, like nothing is wrong; we wont work as a team. You PROMISED to help me, so where have you been? Not at my side at the ring like you said you would be. Not helping me exact my revenge, where you promised you would help. Yeah, I have been ignoring you, but youre not there! So, if you dont want to be with me, my lawyer will have papers ready to fax to your lawyer or the hotel. With that being said, I'm going to the gym."

    I went to the gym and ran for a while. Maybe an hour or so, then did some lifting and stuff. Instead of going to the hotel room, I went to the bus and showered there. I  ended up in pajamas again and put a movie in in my brothers bunk and fell asleep.
    About an hour or so later, my phone rang. Great, its Jay. I rolled over and went back to sleep. Then Adam called.

    "Yes brother dearest."
    "Where are you? We're worried!"
    "Sleeping. Good night. Why is your bunk so comfy? I dont get it."
    I hung up. I need sleep.
    I woke up some time later in a bed.  I've slept so much but I'm so tired. Maybe I'm sick.
    "Bubby." I said rubbing my eyes.
    "Whats up Pineapple?"
    "Can you call Steve? I dont feel good."
    "I'll call him(the wrestlers on staff doctor) and have him come up."

    About 15 minutes later here comes Steve.
    "Hey Steve. Nell, Im going to get you some ginger ale, soup and cold/flu meds."
    "Penny, whats going on?"
    "I don't know, Im so tired. I've slept most of the day and I never sleep like that. My ears hurt really bad. I'm not hungry, like I usually am. I could eat all day normally, but I have no appetite. I just wanna sleep. I don't know why."
    "Well Penny, it looks like you have the flu and a double ear infection. Your temp is about 102.2 I'll go grab ear drops. Jay's right in getting the meds and stuff. I'll tell Steph and  Hunter you are no action for a week or so. At least until you feel better and your ears are fine. I'll check on you in a few days ok? Get some rest."
    Adam tucked me in and put a movie on (Iron Man). 15 minutes later Jay walked in with a few (like 7) bags. He got:
    10 20 oz bottles on ginger ale
    Panera soup (4 larges)
    3 boxes of cold/flu meds
    a thermometer
    Books (Tami Hoag and Jodi Picoult)
    And his tie blanket spritzed with his cologne
    My favorite pillow and stuffed pig

    He may piss me off, but with things like this.... Its like he "loves" me or something. I dont know, hes a guy or whatever. He helped me put my ear drops in and I took my meds, ate some soup and snuggled up to him and fell back asleep.
    I woke up AGAIN some time later to use the bathroom. Jay freaked out, its like he thought I was dying.
    "Where you going?!"
    "I have to pee. Is that ok?"
    "Yeah, but hurry up. I'm cold!"
    "it's like your sick or something."
    "No, just need your warmth"
    "Ugh, shut up. Im still mad at you."
    "I figured."

    After a minute, I got back into the bed and fell asleep. I hate being sick... Ugh...

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