Chapter 4: Hangman, Bagels, and Mac and Cheese

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        The next morning I wake up extremely warm. The previous nights memories replaying in my head. Jay and I telling eachother that we both love the other. Man, I can't believe it. I should really stop biting my lip. It's going to start bleeding. Just Close Your Eyes starts playing (Christians theme song), I have a text from Jay.

    Heres how much this kid annoys me sometimes, stupid stuff like this:
    "Morning cupcake! Look out your window!"
    Homeboy is HANGING outside my window with starbucks and a bagel. HANGING! I gotta call Adam.
    M:Please tell me youre not hanging him from the roof?
    A:About that....
    M: REALLY ADAM! *I'm opening my window so Jay can climb in* Who's idea was this? Between the two of you we are going to have MAJOR hospital bills after this.... Ugh. Just get inside. Jay, I love you but if you would have fallen, I would have laughed.
                I have to admit though, it was kinda cute. Psychotic, but cute.  Seriously bro, who hangs from the roof? I can't even.... Anyways. I pretended to be hurt and Jay decided to take my coffee and bagel from me, then kiss me. Whoa. That was so intense.
    He pulled me close and said "Don't be mad just because I threatened you with a lego. I brought you food and coffee! That counts for something right? I lllooovvveeee yyyoooouuu!!! Now! Go put your stinkey self in the shower before I do it for you. We need to get your dressed cleaned, then I'm taking you shopping, to lunch, then we are coming back to swim."
    I think I started to blush, I cant remember. All I know I said is "We have some planning to do at lunch *smirk* My payback needs to happen upon my return to WWE and you are helping!"
    He smirked back "I can't wait!"
    I showered, we shopped and went to the cleaners, had lunch and talked about the plan (You didnt think I would tell you yet did you?) and now! Time to swim! Here I am, on the deck at Jays (special request just in case), in my bikini. Its a beautiful 78 degrees, and a great sunny day. Until, he threw me into the pool. He's in ttrrroouuubbllleeee!!!!! After pulling him in, making out, getting out to shower and drying off, I sent a text to Stephanie and Paul about my surprise come back. *Grin* This is going to be awesome.

*3 Weeks Later- back to WWE!*
    Adam, Jay and I snuck into the arena in Chicago, wearing hoods backstage incase we need to do something. The Shield will be on soon, and we are getting ready. The guys are in their gear, I in mine with a few modifications. My hair is like Seths just to screw with him, I wear a Capt Charisma crop top and black booty shorts with my normal fish nets and chucks. I finished stretching, drank some water, went potty and was talking to the guys when Stephanie came in. "Ready to go?" She smirked? "Oh yeah." I smirked back.
    The Shields music begins to play as we head to Gorilla,  FULLY uncovered. I'm smirking the WWHHHHOOOLLEEEE way, with the guys behind me and everyone talking. No one is expecting this. Seth begins to talk.
    "WE! Are the Shield, The Hounds of Justice! No one betr-"
     OF COURSE! My music cuts him off. The crowd is going soooo crazy right now! I walk out with my bowl of Macaroni and cheese (dont judge me) and a microphone under my arm just laughing. I take a few bites as I wait to get what I want to say ready. This stuff is pretty good... I'm smiling at The Shield as they just looked at me then start talking to themselves, and take a few more large bites. As I rest the fork in the bowl I pull the microphone out.
    "Hi Seth! Like my hair? I sure do. *shrugs* I think it suits me better. You know, I've been watching you the last 3 weeks and all I have to say is you are VERY full of yourself. I am SO glad I got out when I did but you need to know...You were just a place holder. They don't call me Miss Murder for nothing. I will murder your career. Just not now though. I do have a few ideas in the works, and they are pretty great if I may say so. *takes another few bites and a drink of water* Have you tried the mac and cheese? Oh hell this stuff is good. So, what was I saying? Oh right my ideas.  So, I won't divulge them but on the WWE Network there are a few videos of things I have done backstage.  You all can watch for just..... 9....99. Can we see a clip really quick?
  **Here I am, going into the Shields locker room looking for Seth's bags.... I pull an unmarked bottle out of my top and pour it ALLLLLL Over his stuff... (Its already in his bottles but he doesnt know hehehe I had someone replace his bottles with it earlier) -Clip cuts here-
Before I go stuff my face more *hands the bowl and water to a random camera man* theres 2 people you need to meet. The first one is very dear to me being that we grew up together *Adams music goes off and the crowd freaks out* Brother, meet scumback sell out, scumbag my brother -Edge *smirk, woooo hes not happy!* The second, is none than other than The Rated R Superstars best friend AND the person you held that place in my heart for....... CAPTIAN CHARISMA! CHRISTIAN! *his music plays and the crown starts chanting 'This is Awesome!"* So you see, you have your flea bitten mongrols, and I have my men. Now, before you freak out even more than you are at this second. Just know, you started this war and I will end it....AND you. I WILL bring down the Shield and their Scumbag sell out. *smiles* Oh! You and I have an intergender match tonight for your MITB case (This really doesnt happen, just for the story). *Smiles* I AM Miss Murder after all. Have a good night"

As we walked off, he starts shouting at me. I could care less.
    "Remind me to never do something like that to you." Jay said.
    "Oh trust me *smiles* you wont." I reply....

What a great return this was. Hide while you can Seth, hide while you can.

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