Chapter 11: The Lone Wolf

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The next morning, twitter was going crazy.
                "Who was the hooded figure?!"
                "What the hell happened on RAW last night?!"
                "Hooded figure on raw?! ok!"
                "This guy would be awesome with Miss Murder!!!!"

                Hahaha if only they knew ;)

                I made a youtube video after checking twitter...This is how it went!

                Hey guys! Penny here! I just need to apologize for not being on RAW the last 6 months. As you all can see, I had surgery where I was hit with the chair and I am still recovering. I am lucky to have Jay and Adam to come help me when needed, but I am getting stronger each day that passes! I hope to return soon! I am sorry to the fans I have disappointed and hope you all can forgive me! Peace and Love guys! Stay awesome!

                It sucks I cant tell my fans I am back yet, but I cant WAIT to see their reaction when I do! Same with The people on my list.
                I have the day off today so I am going to stay in bed. My head it just not feeling right. I'm gonna head to the hospital to see whats up. Better text Adam.
                Bubby, I'm gonna go to the hospital, my head doesnt feel right.
                Ok, Jay and I are on our way back, we will take you.
                You don't have too, I just want to make sure everything is ok.
                We are coming. Hold on.

                So here we are, me in a stupid hospital gown. I wanna wear sweats! They did tests and everything. Turns out they needed to remove a little more scar tissue (which they did) and I have new stitches in a few spots.  I can't wrestle, but I can still do my Cloak thing! I have to stay a little longer then we can go. I'm hungry so this better go quick.

                FOOOOOOOOOOOOOODDDDDDDDD!!!!!!! We are at Panera, much to Jays dismay. (hehehe) I got a Large mac and cheese, half of a grilled cheese, a chocolate cupcake, an extra piece of bread, and a large green tea. Im hungry, don't judge me. We all signed some autographs and took pictures. I love my fans after all.

Tonight at Smackdown, I will be cutting a promo. I know I just left the hospital, but I gott work! This promo will be epic.... No one will be seeing this coming. Adam and Jay arent to happy about it, but oh well.... Miss Murder and The Cloaked Unknown (as twitter dubbed me) will both be there...

                Here I am, dressed as Miss Murder one last time. Tonight, she retires for a while and my new image comes to full life. My music starts playing, and I hear the crowd. It's kind of bitter sweet. Almost. I make my way to the ring with Adam and Jay behind me... Jay helps me into the ring and I grab a mic.

                "Helllloooooo WWE Universe!!! Well, I have some news. I will be leaving the company for an extended amount of time. (crowd boos) As you all can see, I had to get new stitches as the doctors had to remove more scar tissue. I am sad to say I have disappointed you all, this was not my intention and I am heart broken. If Paige (more booing) and Summer Rae (even MORE booing) hadnt hit me with a chair and broke part of my SKULL, I wouldnt be doing this.  Rest assured, I WILL be back, and stronger than ever. Please do NOT give up on me, as I will NEVER give up on you all! I am so so sorry."

                The crowd starts chanting "We Love You" and "Summer and Paige Suck" which makes me even more assured in my plan. I start walking to the back when I turn and look one last time at the crowd. It's time to be Cloaked.
                My hair is hidden, my make up mask is on, my hood is up, and its time for my promo. My voice is changed so no one will know its me.
                "Yesterday, I proved a point. Those who wrong the WWE Universe will pay. I have a..... Unique sense of doing things, and NO ONE will get past me, nor will they survive.  No one, not even you all, will see this coming. The Lone Wolf....Waits for no one. *a howl sounds*"

                                Are you ready yet?

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