Chapter 14: Jay and Pancakes

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I've been home a few days now. I get up to go potty and brush my teeth and thats about it. My phone won't stop ringing, my twitter is going crazy from other wrestlers trying to get me to talk. I wont answer.... At all... I refuse to talk to anyone. I can't... I've ruined so much that I had going on... My career, my plans, my marriage, everything...

I decided to call Jay. I may regret this, but I need to hear his voice.

"Hello? Nell are you there? Say something honey, I need to know its you."
"I'm so sorry. I've ruined everything. I've lost control of everything. I'll be back soon hopefully."
"You can come back now. Steph's been trying to call you, your suspensions been revoked. Come back please. We are all so worried about you!"
"I'll be back as soon as I think I can handle it. I need to piece everything back together."
"Where are you? I'm booking a ticket to come see you. Are you at your Cali home?"
"No, don't. I need to..."
"I'm leaving in 20 minutes."

Crap... I knew I would regret this. *sighs*  I'm not changing, but I better go get him from the airport. Time to get coffee and food.  He better be by himself. If hes with other people, Im leaving his ass at the airport.

*2 hours later*

I got his bags for him as I waited for him to exit the plane. I see him now (thankfully just him), and hand him his coffee as I eat my food. I headed towards the car without saying anything. I'm too ashamed to speak right now. He tried to ask me questions, but I wont respond.
He's never been to my house before, not this one anyway. He's been to my house in Canada, which I may sell. I scan my card to my gate and we drive in. He gets out and gets his bags as I open the doors (my front door has 2 doors, kind of like a entrance to a store it has 2) and go inside.

"Nell.... come on, talk to me. I'm worried about you. You can't keep this up. Besides that sandwich, when did you last eat? Or shower, or change? We need to get you back to yourself. Steph took away your suspension, shes not blaming you. No one is, no one is mad. We are just all worried. You wont talk to anyone, you wont eat from what I see. You barely finished your sandwich. Go shower and get changed into clean clothes. We are going to eat, get your hair done and talk. Maybe shop."
"No. You came here on your own. I refuse to do any of that. I'm going back to bed."

Next thing I know, I'm over his shoulder and in a cold shower.

"Wake the hell up. Quit being a miserable bitch. Where's the woman I fell in love with? Because it sure isnt YOU."

Well then, look who grew a pair. Guess I should you know, shower and stuff.

After my shower I got changed into clean clothes, Skinny jeans, black uggs, a cami under a light blue and green shirt, and a PINK hoodie. I went downstairs and saw Lucy cleaning. I asked her to change my bedding and make a list of things we need.  I look at Jay, whos watching me carefully.

"What?! Take a fucking picture so it will last longer. If you wanna do this shit lets go already. I'm ready to go back and lay down."

I start to go to my truck and he takes the keys and traps me on the side. Well hell.

"Penelope Lynn Copeland, I came here to help you. To get you back to you, to get my WIFE back. Quit acting like nothings wrong and let me HELP.  We have BOTH messed up, not just me. Talk to me babe. Let me help, talk to me."
"Let's go eat already. I want some pancakes."

That was the end of it. For now.

IHOP!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE this place! Breakfast allllllll day! I ordered Pancakes with fruit compote, scrambeled eggs with swiss cheese, hashbrowns, extra crispy bacon, sausage links, fruit,  a Diet Coke and orange juice. Jay ordered Pancakes, eggs, and 4 sides of bacon, with orange juice and a coke.
While waiting for food, I start a conversation. Just a small one, nothing major.

"I'm sorry. I lost control of everything and I cant handle it all at once. Thats pretty much how everything happened. I hit a fan. I was so focused on destroying the Shield that I forgot about me and everything went haywire. You not being there, waiting for the papers, and everything else. I forgot about me. That's all I am saying. I make no promises to do anything, but I'll try."
"Don't be sorry. I should be apologizing.  I didnt help like I said I would. I should have been there to help with everything. I think we should use this time to talk, and get back to where we were. Focus on us, and the plan. Now, lets grub!"

Maybe this was a good thing...

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