Chapter 10: Oh HELL no.

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Well, I've been at NXT to reinvent my image, after an injurt... I am no longer Miss Murder :) My twitter name is @nobodyshome. Tonight, along with Jay (ugh), Adam and Nikki....I unveil my new image. I'm pulling into the arena in a long hooded cloak. No one can see who I am. I'm in full dress....
                A long black t-shirt, black leggings, black calf boots, my long blonde hair/shaved side hidden. I can't wait. Everyone thinks I am injured still.

                *Flash Back*

                I run down to the ring to tackle Paige. I keep going after her. I stand up and go to turn around when Summer Rae hits me on the side of the head with a chair. I pass out in pain. I wake up hours later in the hospital with stiches on the whole side of my head.. Jay and Adam explained what happened to me, and that was the last time Jay and I "talked". The doctor also explained that my head will hurt for a while because of the impact of the chair... That dumb bitch is on my list now.... Dean, Summer Rae, Seth, Roman, and now Paige.... *wolfish grin*

                *back to reality*

                Here we are 6 months later, the side of my head still shaved... I kind of like it to be honest. Tonight, we will start with Paige... My new music "Lights Go Out" By Fozzy will play.... Nikki, Adam, and Jay are in their placed in the crowd to it looks like I'm moving towards the ring fast. (Kind of like Sting) Paige's match is right now, and we are all ready and in place. Suddenly the lights go out....Cloaked Jay is up where Roman usually comes in and a howl sounds....The lights go out and on again, Adam is closer to the ring.... Once again the lights go off and on....Nikki is closer..... One last time, the lights go off and on..... I am standing on the top turn buckle, cloaked with a mic...

                My voice changing mic is up to my cloaked face. "Paige! YOU HAVE WRONGED THE WWE UNIVERSE WITH THE IGNORANT ACTIONS YOU HAVE CHOSEN TO PURSUE! YOU MUST PAY!" I jumped down and took her out with a spear, knocking her unconcious.  A howl sounds through out the arena again and there is nothing to  be heard. The lights go out and I am gone.

                I go back to the hotel and Jay and Adam are there. I walk up to Jay and hand him the signed divorce papers. He just looked at me and I went to my individual suite to remove my face paint and take a bath. Jay and I don't talk, I mean we kind of did when I was in the hospital, but that was it. He is still helping me out until my vendetta is over, and thats about it.  *sigh*  Why must I love an idiot? I just don't understand men sometime...
                Adam came in during my bath to talk.
                Hey Pineapple, hows your head?
                It hurts some, but I'm ok.
                Take some meds. Also, he won't sign the papers for a while just so you know. Give him some time to think, and see what happens. He loves you, we all know it.
                Then WHY won't he talk to me. I'm tired of this Adam! If he wants to be married to me, then he needs to start acting like it. I wont stand for this any longer.
                I know, Pineapple. I really do, but just give him some time ok?
                *Sigh* Sure. Now let me finish my bath! Bye!

                He left. Thankfully, because I have a lot of thinking to do.
                A few hours later, I went to talk to him. And, walk in to him watching my favorite movie... Iron Man! I sat down next to him and he just sighed.
                We need to talk Nell.
                Jay, I've been trying to talk to you for the past 6 month, you refuse to talk to me. *I start to rub my scar*
                I know, and I apologize. I just... I've been trying to keep my distance with everything that's been going on. You're hospitalization, you trying to work through everything, and just giving you your space.
                We are married Jay. It's not just you or just me, it's US. You can't just shut me out when you feel like it. We are suppose to be a team. If you can't handle that, then sign those paper now. I can't keep doing this.

                I left after that. I went back to my room and put The Avengers on. I fell asleep shortly after that, my meds make me tired.

                Penelope-3 Paige-0 Dean-0 Roman -0 Summer-0 and Seth-0

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