Chapter 2: Airports, Annoying texts, and Strange Dreams (Rated R)

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            Well here I am, getting ready to catch the red eye from Los Angeles to South Carolina. My grey eyes are covered by my black glasses while my black hair is in a high pony tail. My brother and Jay (You know him as Christian) both have houses out there. In fact, they are neighbors. They found a nice secluded forest area and built houses right next to each other. It's gated so they are the only two in that area. I would be love to be there all the time, but duty calls.
          Starbucks, the chocolate chip to my cookie. I ordered my usual Vanilla Bean Frap with a shot of espresso on top with whipped cream(A/N I always get this lol) and a chocolate croissant and check my phone. Oh geez, 20 texts, 4 missed calls, 3 tweets, and a Facebook message. All from Seth. Well, 1 call and text from Jay and my brother but the rest are Seth. Here's how it goes:      

                           Seth: babe please text me back. Im so sorry. I love you. (18 all the same just                       worded differently)
                        Jay: I heard you're coming! Ill be at the airport to get you! Miss you! xo p.s. I     '                    HAVE CUPCAKES! (What a nerd lol)
                   Adam: Jay's coming to get you, he has a key. I wont be back for another day or so, but you know my place is your place. Beth says hi. Stay safe, love you.

                    Thats a normal Jay and Adam text, how those two became friends, who knows.
                    I called Jay back, called Adam back, called Beth, ignored Seth, and now to tweet my peeps and fans.  I can't dissapoint them, though I wont be there.
        "Cant wait to see @ratedrsuperstar and @captcharisma! South Carolina here I come!                         #vacationstatus #ratedrcaptian @msmurder" 
        "@msmurder @captcharisma: I BROUGHT CUPCAKES!" Oh Jay, you nerd.
  Yes, I tweet myself.  Can't have psychos hack my shit.  Oh jeez. Here comes the tweets from Seth.

        "@msmurder Baby dont leave me. Im so sorry. I wont happen again."
        "@msmurder Baby I know I messed up, please forgive me."
        "@msmurder Baby I love you. Come back"
        Man he's good. Hes so full of himself its ridiculous. Seriously, you cheat and expect me to forgive you? Hahaha. #Delusional. Summer Rae is posting her 2 cents, but its not worth sharing. No one likes her.
                        Here I am, seat 22B (Wholock!). Time to nap. See you on the other side.


        I'm laying on the deck at my brothers in my bikini. He's off with Beth shopping and getting things for tonights formal dinner party he is having. (Who does that? Seriously.) I hear Jay calling my name, I turn and see him in his trunks, with a drink for me in his hand. A Pina Colada, my favorite, with whipped cream and 3 cherries on top. He sits down next to me and starts massaging my legs.  I continue to sip my drink as he gets closer to my *ahem* area. I start to squirm when he sets my drink on the table. Without saying anything, he kisses me. It takes me by surprise, but I kiss back. His hands roam my body and start teasing my breasts. I moan into his mouth and arch my back to him. His other hand plays with the bottom of my bikini bottom, then one of his fingers touches my core. I gasp as he starts to kiss my neck and continues touching me. All of a sudden he slips a finger into me and groans.

*Dream ends!* (I am so mean hehehe)

            I wake up with a startle and rub my head, so confused. What. The. Hell. Did. I. Just. Dream?! I have NEVER had a dream like that! Even while I was with Seth! I have always liked Jay but seriously! A sexual dream about him?! No more coffee before naps!
                                "Ladies and Gentlemen, we are about to begin our decent into Jacksonville National Airport. Please fasten your seat belts and remain seated. As always, we hope you enjoyed your flight and hope to see you again on Delta Airways. We hope to see you soon."
                            Things are about to get seriously awkward. Oh boy.

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