Chapter one: Memories and Revenge

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                                                        3 Weeks ago, Monday Night Raw

                 Here I am, about to go out and face Nikki Bella, who is walking with me, we are friends after all. I cant find Roman anywhere. No one knows where he is, and he is suppose to accompany me to the ring.
        "Hey Punk, wheres Seth?" I shout to Phil. He just looks at me with a sad look on his face.  He knows something. I start towards him and he just hides. Thats when I heard it.... That annoying skanky giggle with "Oh Seth!" after it. Fuck. My. Life.  I look at Nikki, "Come out with me I'm calling them out before our match."  She just looked at me and smiled. "I am so coming with you, she tried that with John." Revenge will be sweet. Oh yes, Summer Rae, you will be demolished.
        Here we are now, Nikki and I, at gorilla. I look at the tech guy and tell him to play my music. Miss Murder by AFI fills the arena and the crown starts screaming. I smirk at Nikki, who is accompanying me. I know the crowd will be confused, but they will soon know why.
        Lillian starts to announce me: "Walking to the ring accompanied by Nikki Bella, weighing 115 pounds! Ella Marie!"  I look at her and smile, she smiled back at me and handed me her microphone.
        As I climed into the ring I can hear King and JBL's conversation. King- "Oh my Gosh JBL! Miss Murder herself with a Bella twin by her side?! She's gone crazy!" JBL- "I know King! What in the sam hell is she doing?! They have a match right now against eachother!" Haha, little do they know... Things are about to get ugly... Very fast.

        (Im Italics, Nikki is Bold)
        "Yes, Nikki and I were suppose to have a match but..."
         "Plans change once in a while, just like tonight. We both have someone we want to call out. Make that 2 people!"
        "Why, yes Nikki they sure did! Suuummmeeerrrr!!! Seeettthhh!!! Come join us!!! You know its not very nice to cheat on people Seth... Especially ones that you 'Love'!"
        "Summer, you sure do get around fast! First John, now Seth. Tsk tsk slutbag! You might wanna get checked for-"
        That's when Seth's music played cutting Nikki off, and I stood in ring with a smirk on my face. Summer Rae comes too, with Dean and Roman. Seth starts off "Babe, I know what you think you heard-"
        "Oh, I know what I heard, you and little miss slutslut getting it on when you were suppose to be helping me get ready and coming down with me to the ring. Just so you know, we're done. No more, finito, over, no more pizza in the box, no more bacon and eggs, no more pancakes. DONE! I'll put your things on the Shields bus before I leave tonight. I cant believe you two helped them. You're just as bad, and here I thought we were friends." He looked at me with a hurt look. "Oh and Summer? Come on down, your match begins now, us against you! Ring the bell, lets go!!" The bell sounded and Summer got in, needless to say, Nikki and I took her out. It was awesome!
            After Nikki and I got backstage I thanked her and went to find Stephanie and Hunter.  I told them I would be taking a few weeks off, thankfully they agreed. I soon packed my bags and called my brother. He didn't answer, probably filming so I left a message.
        "Hey Adam, it's me. Im packing a few bags and headed to your place for a week or 3. See you then. Tell Jay I said hi, and he better make my cupcakes (Long story). Love you."  South Carolina, here I come.

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