Chapter 15: Public Apologies and....Title stealing?

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Tonight, RAW is in Cali. I'm stopping in, though I am not back. I'm just going in to apologize to everyone in person. I'm in the crowd among people, hidden in regular clothes with my regular ring clothes under. I'm not sure about this, I dont even want to be here. But, I would rather apologize in person than by twitter, like I already did.

They have my bowl of mac and cheese ready and a match going on. Suddenly the lights go out and Miss Murder plays. The crowd is going wild as I hurry up onto the top turn buckle and start to eat. I have a mic on my lap, waiting to start. The lights go on as I interrupt Bad News Barret and Daniel Bryans match. They both suddenly look at me as Dean Ambrose's music goes off and he comes out. Rude mutch? The crowd is still going wild. My hair is in a cute, but messy pony. My make-up neutral. My glasses are on tonight instead of my contacts.

"Uh hey guys. *takes a bite* So, I'm here to apologize in person. Twitter really isn't appropriate to use to apologize. I should have not reacted and embarrassed myself they way I did. It was not professional at all. An-"
My brothers music goes off.
"Pennycake Why-"

"I wasnt finished. If anyone else plans to come out, do it now. I'm getting even more pissed. Seriously." I take a few more bites.

No one comes out.

"NOW! As I was saying I apologise to my fans and the WWE for being a total embarasment.  No one can say I wasn't because I was. I hit a fan for bacon's sake. Seriously. I can't believe I did that.  I have apologised to the man in person and paid his medical bills. He has accepted said apology and laughed about it. I cant say I blame him. I have been trending on Twitter the last week or so #WheresNellHiding. I won't say where, but I will remain at  my home *boos* for a while. I have ruined everything I was working for. *I turn and see more superstars coming out* I have ruined my career *Come back now starts being chanted* my marriage, my friendships, my plans for destroying people, everything. I have potentionally destroyed myself in the process. However, I will be back. Don't worry. It just wont be now."

The Authority's music starts to play. This can't be good.

"Nell, Hunter and I are ready for you to come back. We have lifted your suspension *cheering* and want you to come back. Everyone here has been so worried about you. Please, come back."

"In due time, just not now."

After that, I jumped over the barracade and into the audience. I grabbed a jacket, hat and pants from consessions and got dressed and ran to an empty room.

Dean and Stardust have a match right now. All over a title. What they dont know, is Im going to take it... AFTER the match. Dean won, now Daniel Bryan, Dolph Ziggler, Barrett and a Wyatt brother is in the ring.... As Truth goes to take it, I slide in (still in merch clothes- A Christian hoodie and Edge sweats)smile, take it and slide out. I jump the barracade again and this time leave. I stand at the top of where the entrance is, and hold it up smirking. As I get home, Jay is waiting at the door. I smile and show him the title. All he does is smile and shake his head.

"Youre trending again. #WheresNell #NellHasTheTitle #NellforIC #GiveNellAChance. It's funny. I can't believe you Nell. You are hilarious. Come on Love, I made dinner. Lasagna, your recipe."

As we ate, I set the title on a chair and took a picture of it and posted it to twitter. No one was expecting that. I am hilarious. Hahahaha twitter is running mad with Superstars who thought it was funny and some that are mad. No one expected a Diva to steal it :). That's the madness of it, not to mention no one knows where I live!

I still havent said much, Ill talk a little to Jay, and put a few things on twitter here or there and thats about it. I have a new plan. I wont FULLY return, but I will do promos with my new title (hehe). No one will ever find me with it. I have told Jay, and he agrees. Let everyone know I am still here and my plans will come to fruition. Once and for all.

Ms Murder is back (somewhat), but the lone wolf, Ms Murder, and I will become one. Believe that.

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