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It's been 2 years since I exposed Dean. The Shield and I are on decent terms now. Even Seth and I, surprisingly. We all talk regularly and they help with Alexandre, my baby boy.Jay, Adam and I talk once in a while. Once every few months or so. Neither one help with Alexandre, they want nothing to do with him right now. He's talking in sentences now, even if they are broken. I've been seeing Dolph for a while now. A year and a half, to be exact. Alexandre calls him daddy, and he's ok with it. I'm no longer wrestling. I am a commentator now with King and JBL. Steph, Hunter and I came to an agreement. I get paid my wrestling wage but I commentate. I am ok with that. I get to see my baby boy and he will never want for anything. At all. After everything that has happened, life is going well for us. I have no complaints.

My story should have not been told, but I told it anyway. Learn from it, just like I did.Bon chance!

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