Chapter 12: Me VS Jay?!

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    The past few weeks (ok, maybe 8 weeks), I havent been going for the Shield... It's time I do... And reveal myself. This will be epic.... I am back stage at RAW waiting for their match.  I'm going out then. Everyone is in place. I am in place.
    It's half way through the match and its time. A howl sounds and the lights go off. When they go on, Jay is no where to be found. They go off again and there a cloaked Adam. They go off and a howl sounds, Nikki is in her spot as the lights go on. One last time they go off, and I am in the ring behind them. A howl sounds and the lights go on. I start to speak.
    Shield, we have some business to attend to. Your grave injustices has hurt the WWE Universe. I am disgusted, as should they be. You are all nothing but..... Horrible, flea bitten mongrols.

    Who are you?!

    I Pull my hood back. My newly died black hair with platinum blonde tips and startling grey eyes show. I have no emotions showing.  The crowd goes crazy.
    I.....Am the lone wolf.... Miss Murder is no more, but her revenge will be justified...

    A howl sounds and the lights cut out and I, like a wolf would, gracefully disappear leaving them stunned.
    Theres so saying how stunned everything is. Jay will be even more stunned, as I am about to beat his ass. He dissapointed me, and broke his promise again. I am on a war path. Quite literally. He better run.
    I found him in catering eating. I slam the door open and everyone turns and looks.  He knows he's in trouble. He started to slowly get up and thats when the camera man walked in.
    "Christian, once again you dissapoint me. You and I have a match tonight. Get ready. The Wolf....Is on the prowl." I walked out...
    I successfully ended Paige and Summer. They wont be back for a while. *smirk* Next... Match with Jay, then ending Ambrose. Life is crazy...

    Jay is in the ring. I decided to go down gorilla and not the crowd. I am dressed in new gear. Black short shorts, a black and grey crop top and a black and grey fake fur jacket with ears on the hood. Light Go Out starts blasting through the speakers and I slowly make my way out. The Wolf is Graceful. There is no doubt about that. He looks at me, confused and hurt. He's not hurt yet.
    I grabbed a mic and stopped at the ropes before getting in.
    "Christian, dear, you disappointed me. You promised you would be there and yet...You werent. What am I suppose to do with you? How can I trust you if you keep doing this? I can't keep doing this. You are either with me, or against me. After this match, I will know. Don't take it easy on me. I can handle you. RING THE BELL!"
    15 minutes, many bruises, and a black eye later. I won. I beat him. I slithered out of the ring and made my way back stage. Feeling even more broken, and yet stronger. I grabbed the papers out of his page and thrusted them at him.
    "Sign them. I'm done. I'm not doing this anymore. I cant. I'm done pretending like everything is ok. It's done, over. You are JUST like HIM. I WONT do it."
    I walked out, going to my locker room and getting changed. I went to my own bus and laid down. We (the driver and i) started to the next location when my phone rang. I didnt check to see who it was.
    "Pineapple, what did you do?"
    "I told him I am done. Make sure he signs the effing papers. I wont do this anymore. He's not there when I need him....Then...Kind of told him he was just like Seth...."
    "No wonder hes on the rampage. *sigh* He signed them. I'll give them to you when I see you. YOU...need to talk to him. ok? He's destroying everything."
    "He already destroyed my heart, so nothing to hurt there. I'll talk to him...When I am ready. Right now....I cant..."
    "Ok. Thats all I can ask. Go to sleep, I'm sure your scar is hurting."
    "Night bubba."
    "Night Pineapple."

    *sign* Oh Jay... Why...

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