Are you ready?

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None of my plans have gone as I wanted. The Shield is still together, Adam and Jay are with the Authority. I have been betrayed. How can I trust anyone? I am all alone, once again. Jay finally signed the divorce papers and I am no longer married. Once again I am Penelope Copeland.

Here I am, 5 months later sitting in a subway trying to figure out my next move. I can't do anything too extreme, just something simple so they think I'm failing. It has to be well planned. I still have that belt they were fighting over. Maybe Ill do something with that. This will be awesome. Are you ready?


I'm waiting for the shit heads to come out. I'm in the ring, delaying the show again. About to ruin Jay's life. No one is expecting this, at all. I have my huge bowl of Panera Mac and cheese and my lazy boy in the ring. The crowd is going crazy right now. All on my side.

"Well guys. Here we are. I have been gone 3 months and shit has hit the fan. I'm not married anymore, he finally signed the papers that effing traitor."

*His music goes off and I take a few bites*

"You never know what I will do these days, Jay. What I may come up to ruin your life. I had to replan everything since you joined the Authority with my brother. I also burned ALL of your clothes and movies, games, books, everything. Before you decide to exact revenge, let me finish. Our lawyers have become very very very good friends lately. Filing the papers for the divorce, splitting all of out assets (though there are none), etc.etc.etc. You never really know what else will be sprung on you.... *I take a few more bites and a drink of my ginger ale* Oh remember a few months ago we got reallllyyyy drunk??? Guess what? That was the best time I ever had with you! *Another few bites* I have a gift for you. Yes, a gift."

"I don't want your effing gift, I want my ring back! Get out of it! Now!"

"Hit it!"

A banner falls, along with balloons and confetti. It all says one thing.


Yes, I am 5 months pregnant. I just ruined Adam AND Jay's life... and career. Surprise!

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