Chapter 1

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Once the train came to a complete stop, the students pushed and shoved as they step down the steps to meet their parents. Kisses and hugs were going around, it may had been likely that a mother accidentally kissed another child thinking they were hers. There were still students on the train waiting to get off. Two friends took shelter in a compartment after one of them fell down due to everyone pushing and shoving.

"You shouldn't eat and walk." Euphemia Braithewaite scolded her friend. Nessa Karyme continued to eat her sweets.

"I couldn't wait, I'm starving." Nessa said as she popped another sweet in her mouth.

"But you ate about an hour ago." Euphemia never understood her friend's need to eat every hour. Expect for class there was never a time where she didn't see her friend without food in her hand.

"Does your family have any plans for this break?" Nessa asked completely changing the subject. The girls were finally able to safely exit the compartment.

"Probably see some relatives. What about you?" As they walked further they noticed two boys seemed to have the same idea as them. As they got closer they saw it was Abraxas Malfoy, the platinum haired boy, and there was the dark haired boy, Tom Marvolo Riddle. They seemed to having a private conversation before Abraxas spotted the girls first and stopped Tom from talking. 

Tom looked around his shoulder to see the girls, his stare was enough to make Nessa stop eating and looked at her friend trying not to do anything embarrassing. She could never really act casual when the boy was around without making it obvious. The boys turned back and exit the train. Euphemia noticed her friend panicking in silence, she gently grabbed her elbow and lead her to the exit.

"You always make it obvious." She said as they step down from the train, the platform was still crowded so Euphemia continued to hold on to her friend. 

"Plus why fancy a boy that has friends who calls you fake for being sorted into Slytherin?" Nessa knew why but she wasn't sure if she would ever tell her friend the reason without her scolding her for being so stupid. Euphemia saw her parents and ran over to them. Nessa didn't mind her friend's abandonment due to the fact she was crushed by the arms of her own mother immediately. Nessa was blind by her mother's brunette hair but embraced her mother. Sometimes people would mistaken them as sisters due to her mother being so young yet she had that motherly aura.

"Oh! I've missed you so much!" Her mother Delilah held onto her daughter a little longer before releasing her. Nessa's smile grew when she noticed her father Valter was right by her mother's side. Valter was a very handsome man, with golden hair along with a few grey streaks but he was tall and built, even a few of her classmates would mention how handsome her father was. She immediately wrapped her arms around her father, still in disbelief that he was there. 

"I thought you were still away." Nessa said holding her father tight.

"I made sure to be here. We got a few important things to discuss." Nessa let go of her father. She slightly winced but pushed it away, it was a happy day.

"Come on, let's head home before it starts to rain." Delilah picked up one of Nessa's bags but Nessa gently pushed her hand away and assured she was alright carrying it while her father carried the rest. The three of them started walking trying to make it out pass the large gathering. As Nessa was watching her surroundings she saw a glimpse of Riddle saying his goodbyes to Malfoy before taking off. She frowned to herself wishing she had seen him more, but she had hoped she would more during the break considering they both lived in London. Once the small family managed to exit King's Cross Station they hurried to the car to avoid the rain.

"Inside Nessa I'll do it." Valter said as he started putting her bags in the trunk. Nessa entered after her mother. 

"Mom you didn't happen to bring snacks with you?" Delilah laughed softly and looked over her shoulder to see her daughter being serious.

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