Chapter 23

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Nessa found her way to Euphemia who had a few words to say.

"You will never believe what Nott tried to do." Euphemia said in a fast pace. Nessa frowned in confusion but waited for her first to continue.

"Apparently her father and Septimus' father were close during school years. Now they are planning more events with their families together."

Nessa nearly spat out her drink.

"So it seems that Septimus will be seeing his stalker around more." Nessa said.

"I can't believe that snake. It's bad enough he has to deal with her at school but now he won't be able to escape from her during breaks." Nessa raised a brow at her friend who looked like she was going to lose her head over the matter.

"Talking about me?" The girls turned over to see Sylvia looking at them with amusement. Euphemia scowled and took a step forward.

"How desperate do you need to be? Using your father to harass Septimus more?" Sylvia only smiled and was about to speak but Euphemia continued.

"You are just as insane as your mother." She spat out, she had gone too far, even Nessa gasped. The smiled disappeared from Sylvia's face and a scowled formed.

"You can call me whatever you like, but leave my mother's name out your mouth." 


"Your mother shoul-" Euphemia couldn't finish her sentence before she started coughing. Nessa patted her friend's back trying to ease her coughing but once she saw Euphemia' face turn purple she knew it was magic doing this. 

Sylvia stood there, her eyes intensely on Euphemia. Nessa knew words couldn't fix this so she lunged forward and with a yell she tackled Sylvia to the ground. 

Guests cried in shock. The two girls were wrestling on the ground, Nessa's huge skirt covered the fight. Nessa yelped as Sylvia pulled her hair and flipped them over. With a closed fist, Sylvia's fist made contact with Nessa's face, and again. 

Nessa raised her arms to block her punches. Euphemia finally caught her breath and ran to help her friend.

"Get off of her!" Euphemia yelled and pulled Sylvia's hair, dragging her off. 

"Girls! Stop it!" A voice called out but it was drowned out by more guests yelling. 

Nessa nearly tripped over skirt trying to get up but she managed. A pair of arms held her back, she looked to see it was Tom who was glaring at her.

Euphemia screamed and somehow Sylvia got the upper hand and had her pinned to the floor. Nessa with no remorse, elbowed Tom in the gut and broke free. Tom groaned in pain and nearly fell to the floor.  Boney elbows. 

Nessa tackled Sylvia again, with her under Nessa it was her turn to share her punches. 

"You nearly killed Euphemia!" Nessa screamed between punches. Tom regain his posture and rushed to pry Nessa off of Sylvia, the Slytherin girl got back on her feet and saw the girl in Tom's arms. 

Nessa gritted her teeth, seething as she glared at Nott. Tom guided her a few steps back, he heard Nott's heels and turned around to see Nott rushing towards them. He pushed Nessa behind him and stood in front of Nott. 

Nott nearly tripped over her feet when she met Tom's eyes. His head moved slightly to the side, giving her a message that if she tried to attack she will regret it. 

She could do it. Force Tom to his knees, make his blood boil or make him choke on it. She can make every bone in Nessa's body melt and watch her cry in pain. 

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