Chapter 7

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Warning this chapter will contain mature scenes!

"Oh this meatloaf is to die for Delilah!" Cynthia complimented as she cut another piece. A week passed and the family were having dinner with the Malfoy family again. Tom cut into the meat he helped make and grabbed a few vegetables with it. A few hours earlier he was finished getting ready when he found Delilah and Valter in the kitchen. Valter was struggling on how to make the sauce and Delilah tried her best to do two things at the same time. So, Tom volunteered to take over and let Valter finish getting ready.

Delilah thanked him and told him the instructions which he found them easy to follow not understanding with how Valter was having a difficult time with it. Delilah did make a comment about how it would've been better if he helped out before he got ready not wanting him to ruin his nice clothes. But Tom was a careful man when it came to keeping his appearance clean. Not a single ounce of food landed on his clothes. Delilah placed the meatloaf in the oven and set a timer. She turned on the radio that was playing soft music before steaming the vegetables. Tom who was now working on smearing the frosting on the vanilla cupcakes she made watched as Delilah was humming to the music. The beat of the music started to pick up and Delilah happily danced to the music.

Her heels twist and turn and her body started to follow. Her ponytail swinging left to right but not hitting her face. And the loose strands on her face were bouncing around. Her skirt went up a bit when she twirled, she was a complete mess but when she danced, it was enough to distract everyone.

"Oh come on Tom!" She encouraged, wanting him to dance with her.

"I don't thin-" Delilah who had a rag in her hand used it to wrap it around his neck and pulled him closer to her. If it was anyone else he would've hexed them and walked away. Instead he tried his best on his "dancing". The best he could do was hold her hand and help her twirl around the kitchen. He awkwardly sway his body trying to copy on what she was doing. He made small face showing his annoyance when he kept tripping over his feet. He blamed the small space in the kitchen.

"Oh! I need to teach you how to dance more!" She twirled once more and Tom caught her and gently held her as they sway together. Something happened, an urge to feel it. Tom didn't know what exactly but there was this urge to feel content. He didn't particularly enjoyed the dancing but he didn't completely hate it when Delilah did it.

He acknowledged but it was like a wall was preventing him from fully feeling it. And that content feeling began to change to frustration for Tom.

When Nessa reached forward to grab her drink it slightly startled Tom, snapping him out of his thoughts. He was back at the dinner table. He slightly tugged his tie down before continuing to eat.

Looking down at his plate he spotted Nessa's wrist next to him, on her right wrist she wore the pearl bracelet Abraxas gave her. No doubt she wore it just to be polite to the family.

"Oh that bracelet just looks lovely on you Nessa!" Cynthia complimented, Nessa glanced at the bracelet before thanking her. Nessa looked up in front of her and made eye contact with blue eyes that belonged to Abraxas who immediately looked away. She couldn't explain why but it made her blush and she accidently picked up her mother's wine and took a large sip of it.

"Nessa!" Delilah grabbed the wine back from her daughter feeling embarrassed. On occasion she would let her daughter take a few sip of wines but not in front of friends. She let out a nervous laugh and apologized for Nessa's actions. But Cynthia only smiled and passed the wine bottle to her son.

"Oh Delilah they are fifteen now, I remember when I had my first glass when I was fourteen." Cynthia pushed the bottle to Abraxas once more and he took it. He gently poured his glass almost halfway before offering the bottle to Nessa. She looked back to her mother making sure it was alright, Delilah only nodded. Nessa grabbed the bottle from him, their fingers touching. His blue eyes staring at her green ones. The touch and the stare just created more butterflies in her stomach, not the romantic ones she got from Tom though. Something a little more different. More physical. Nessa was the one to disrupt their little moment and poured her cup. She turned to Tom offering, in response he pushed his glass towards her. Her pouring created a little clank noise before moving the bottle away. Valter and Accad sat back and watched not wanting to interfere with their wives' decisions. The three teenagers only drank their wine half full, and a couple more after that.

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