Chapter 26

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Warning: some mention of sexual activities

It was the beginning of January, the skies were still grey and the winds were still blowing.

If one wanted to go to the beach it was only to have long walks, for if one tried to swim they would end up getting sick.

There were a few people at the beach that day, an elderly couple just taking a stroll, a couple of kids trying to collect seashells, a few other men trying to fish.

For Euphemia, she was sitting on a blanket, watching the waves come and go, smelling the salty air and feeling the cold breeze.

Laying on her lap was Fleamont, her fingers were running through his curls. His eyes closed, his breathing was slowed, enjoying the moment he was in now. She was glad that they were able to see each other before they needed to go back to Hogwarts in the next two days.

Unlike Fleamont and Nessa, Euphemia's home was in Dublin Ireland, but nothing a floo can't fixed. Euphemia insisted to go to Fleamont, she didn't want him to be the only one who was doing the traveling.

"The year has gone so fast, only a couple more months and then we will be in sixth year after summer ends."  Euphemia said. Fleamont only hummed in response and snuggled his face closer to his lover's stomach. Euphemia giggled and continued to stroke his hair.

"How's Septimus? I know he was slightly disturbed about what happen."

"He somehow felt responsible, Sylvia only went towards you both because Septimus walked out of their conversation." Fleamont said as he rubbed his eyes.

"Oh." She murmured, her hand went to her jaw, still feeing the tender spot.

"Don't stress about it, he can handle her. And if he needs help, I am sure you can give her a few rounds of your punches." Fleamont said as he took her hand away from her face and gently kissed her hand.

"And Nessa? How is she?" Fleamont asked.

"She wrote back to me, she said she was fine but then she guess got into some accident after? She injured her arm in the process." She answered.

"Can I ask you about something? And I am not trying to be rude or nosy at all!"

"What is it?"

"What is going on with her? I mean she looks ill most of the time, she seems so frail, again I am not trying to be rude." Euphemia wished she knew the answer too. The only times where she seen Nessa fairly healthy was when she ate frequently, if there were periods of times where she wasn't on her eating habits then she would look a lot more skinner and pale.  Whenever she asked her dear friend about it Nessa would just say she didn't get enough sleep, it was a pathetic excuse but it was used repeatedly that Euphemia just stopped asking.

"Having a little date are we?" Euphemia's body tensed and Fleamont scowled at the three teenagers, Malfoy, Lestrange and fucking Nott.

"Bugger off, there's plenty of spots to get lost in." Fleamont said.

"And miss chatting with you lots?" Abraxas said, pretending to be hurt by Potter's words.

"We just wanted to see you before the semester starts tomorrow." Sylvia said.

"How are you not even expelled?! You used magic outside of school grounds!" Euphemia sneered, she tried to get up but Fleamont gently pushed her back down.

"I didn't use any magic." Sylvia lied. Magic performed by wands outside of school were prohibited, wandless and foreign magic on the other hand..

"Yes you did! You used magic to try to suffocate me!"

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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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