Chapter 5

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Dr. Evans

Before the Malfoy family left they agreed they will be back again for dinner in seven days

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Before the Malfoy family left they agreed they will be back again for dinner in seven days. Well, it was more of a statement that they would. Now Delilah was cleaning up the dishes and Tom was the first to volunteer to help out. He took off his suit jacket and loosen the black tie around his neck. Rolling up his white sleeves he carried the dirty dishes to the sink. Tom knew something was bothering Delilah that's why he was even helping her. Delilah was putting away the leftovers and Tom was washing the dishes.

Back in the orphanage it was probably the only chore that he didn't mind doing. He was often alone when he did them and it was relaxing to hear the water and the dishes clashing. Mrs. Cole would insist to use cold water and not the hot water but he wouldn't listen. He enjoyed the warmth.

"Are you alright?" Tom asked looking over his shoulder. Delilah pulled her hair tie and left her short hair rest on her shoulders.

"I'm fine Tom." She said giving him a warm smile.

"Oh good. I noticed Mrs. Malfoy had said something to you and you looked upset." He pushed. To Delilah it warmed her heart seeing the boy being caring. Not knowing his tricks.

"I just want Nessa to enjoy herself after she graduates before making any decisions that could change her life." She walked over to Tom and turned off the running faucet. Her hands on both of his shoulders. Tom could only stand there confused on what she was doing.

"I can finish the dishes, you need to go to bed Tom." Before Tom could speak Delilah placed a soft kiss on his cheek and gently pushed him out of the kitchen. "Night Tom." Tom's hand touched the right side of his face where she had kiss him.

He only felt one thing and it was irritation. It was like his charms and tricks were failing him. But not only that but irritated because he couldn't pin point how he felt about Delilah's affection. He felt nothing yet couldn't figure out how to respond to it and that irritated him. Like a reflex his jaw clenched as well with his fists he needed to think bigger.


"Nessa." Nessa grumbled and dug her head deeper into her pillow pulling the blanket over her.

"Nessie." That made her groan and she sat up glaring at her father who was leaning against the door smiling at his daughter. "Come on, we have an appointment to the dentist." Nessa knew her father was going to take her but she expected to be later in the day not five in the morning.

"Dr. Evans' office isn't even opened until seven."

"Yes but you take awhile to wake up Nessa." Valter left his daughter's room. She wanted to come up with an excuse to make him postpone it but she knew she needed to see the dentist. Every morning she woke up with a metallic taste in her gums for the past year, it needed to be checked out. When she was twelve some of her adult teeth were buried too deep in her gums. They did see healers for it but nothing seemed to work until they decided to see a muggle dentist. A simple surgery did the trick. It was one the sparks that lit up Nessa's experiments. Her tongue touched the bottom and top parts of her mouth and tasted the same metallic taste.

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