Chapter 2

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Tom had finally finished unpacking his suitcase. Just as he laid down on the small bed a knock was at his door. He clenched his jaw, clearly annoyed that Mrs. Cole was bothering him. He had hoped he wouldn't have to do chores until tomorrow. Nevertheless he pushed himself off and opened the door. Mrs. Cole smiled at Tom which confused him. She never smiled at him like that, only disgusted looks and perhaps a little fear in her eyes.

"Pack your bags Tom, you're being adopted." Adopted. He furrowed his brows, a joke perhaps? If so it wasn't very funny. But the smile never left her face which made her words become more real to him. The realization turned into fear thinking it was muggles that adopted him. Would they pull him out of Hogwarts? No. He wouldn't let them.

"Who?" Tom didn't realize how shaky his voice was, he cleared his throat and stood up straight. He needed to get a grip of himself. Mrs. Cole there's still time to say it was just a joke.

"Mrs. Delilah, you know her and her daughter. Now quickly pack your stuff, they are on their way right now." Mrs. Cole left and headed downstairs. An ounce of relief waved over him knowing he was being adopted into a wizard family. But why? Though Tom didn't question it, he was more than glad to leave the wrenched place. It made him not get annoyed for having to pack again. Though, he never had much to begin with. His clothes were already neatly folded all he had to do was just place them back in the suitcase. What an interesting day.

Tom heard the sound of a car, he went over to the window that was covered in droplets of water looking out. He watched as a man parked and exited the car. He made his way to the other side to open the passenger door out of the car was Delilah. His thoughts on the woman weren't all negative, some of her donations went directly to him such as a few vests and sweaters he kept. He wondered what kind of woman she was, in front of everyone she was nothing but sweet and kind. He met many sweet people but when alone, he would catch them in their true colors.

Not Delilah though, at least not yet. He noticed his classmate climbing out of the car as well. He could hardly remember her name sometimes, all he knew was that Abraxas' family were close to hers. He would need to dig deep on his research on his new family.

"Tom!" He immediately closed his suitcase and headed downstairs not even sparing his room one last glance. He was finally leaving, the wretched place didn't deserve his last anything. Waiting downstairs were his new family. Delilah saw him first and gave him the most kindest smile he had ever witness. He returned the smile, but it was an empty cold smile. Valter was the first to step up and held out his hand.

"Hello Tom, I'm Valter." The man had no doubt a sense of strong power in him, a sort of power Tom couldn't figure out it yet. Nonetheless he shook his hand and gave him another empty smile.

"Pleasure to meet you sir." Such politeness in his voice. Then something happened that made Tom freeze and made him unsure of his next actions. Delilah hugged the boy, he was taller than her but she hugged him tight. Tom only stood there clearly taken by surprise. Valter noticed his uncomfortableness and gently pulled his wife away from the boy.

"Oh I'm so sorry!" Delilah apologized but Tom knew she meant no harm. In fact just from the hug he saw some new opportunities with Delilah. His green eyes met with the same green eyes, if not a little lighter than his. The classmate.

"As you know you already know my wife Delilah and my daughter Nessa." Nessa. Tom gave the girl the same cold smile, but for her she gave him the exact same smile as her mother.

"Now let's head home." Delilah said, Tom said his goodbyes to Mrs. Cole and followed his new family.


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