Chapter 15

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Warning blood and torture in this chapter!

Joaquin flinched in the sight of Christopher screaming and his body convulsing each time Riddle casted the torture curse on the boy. Helia kept her crying to a low volume as she clung onto Joaquin's arm. Christopher was the one to take Helia's punishment as well, he couldn't bear the sight of her under the curse. Everyone was in the room of requirement even Nott, they were expecting a meeting until Riddle came in with an unconscious Nessa in his arms. The blood stained his robes but he didn't care. Sylvia was able to stop the bleeding and was prepared to use a healing spell but Riddle stopped her, he demanded that she would go to Nessa's room to find anything that would help, she found a bag under the girl's bed.

Sylvia had to use a spell to remove some of Nessa' hair because it was on the back of her head, Abraxas was kneeling down in front of her, his knees on top of the open binder, in order to keep it open. Riddle was right, the binder vibrated to the point you couldn't feel your hands. The binder had information that saved her life, notes about suturing a wound.

"Hold that thing at ninety degrees it said." Abraxas read, the thing he was referring to was the needle driver that held the needle. Sylvia did what she was told and tried to push the needle above the fat but another scream echoed through the room and Sylvia almost hit the wound.  She cursed under her breath, she had no idea what she doing and the cries of Avery wasn't helping at all.

"Can't we just use a healing spell for bloody sakes?" Sylvia hissed quietly.

"Riddle said no." Abraxas sternly said, last thing he wanted was to have another person under the torture curse due to disobedient. When Riddle first came in with Nessa, seeing the blood made Abraxas' stomach drop and soon queasy. He could only stand there while everyone else was scrambling to do something. He felt somewhat ashamed, even now as he only focused on the binder and not on Nessa, fearing if he saw the wound he would hurl all over the binder. 

"I can't do this, not with Avery making that much noise." Sylvia spat back, it was bullshit. They shouldn't be here, they needed to alert the school but Riddle made it perfectly clear that it wasn't going to happen. Especially when he sent Joaquin to clean the blood off the wall, erasing any evidence. She wanted to bolt out of the room and tell Headmaster Dippet, she wanted to yell at everyone on how they lost their minds. But she wasn't an idiot, she knew Riddle was very skilled in magic both wand and wandless. She was good, but not good enough to stand up to Riddle. She remembered she had to duel with him once a couple years back and it ended up with her throwing up slugs.

"My lord, Nott can't focus with Avery's loud screams." Abraxas said, Sylvia clenched her jaw in annoyance that he had to use her as an excuse. Riddle stopped the curse, but it didn't relief Avery's pain. He was still feeling every inch of that curse.

"I'm afraid I'll hurt lord." Sylvia added.

"Fine, I'll do it and you will continue with Avery's punishment." Riddle said. Sylvia was taken back at this, yes Avery deserved it but she didn't think she could do it. She never casted the Cruciatus curse before.

"My lord I don't think-"

"You will!" He yelled, they hardly heard him yell. His calm voice was enough to get them to do what they wanted. Sylvia didn't flinch but she saw the wrath in his eyes, so much she could've sworn his green eyes turned red for a split second. She put down the needle driver and pulled out her wand and head over to Avery who was covered in sweat and with a bloody nose. Helia turned her head away, she had hoped Riddle was done. Sylvia looked down at the boy, his eyes closed and making whimper sounds every time his body jointed.

I'm sorry.

"Crucio." It didn't work.

"You have to mean it. Again." Riddle demanded, but to mean it was the problem. She couldn't build up the anger to cast the spell.

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