Chapter 25

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"I don't see it!"

"Are you even looking?" Nessa asked. Tom groaned in annoyance and step in front of the stairs so Nessa could see him.

"That's what I been doing for the past ten minutes." He said.

"It's a box that says 'Nessa's old dolls' written in black." Nessa instructed.

"And I'm telling you I don't see it." Tom said. He tried to search through the boxes again but there was so much brown boxes in the basement. It was getting to overwhelming to the point he wanted to dump everything out and sort it out to his liking.

He was moving boxes aside when he heard light footsteps on the stairs and he immediately turned around to see Nessa in the basement with him.

"I told you to wait up there! You could've fell." Tom said with annoyance once again. Nessa's arm was in a sling, her bones were mended but it was still swollen. She rolled her eyes and scanned the room, her eyes stop once she saw a box on the shelf.

"Right there!" She pointed out. She tried to walk towards it but Tom gently pushed her back and brought the box down and placed it on top of the other boxes. There was no tape to seal it, Nessa pulled the flaps out. Tom leaned forward to see the content, it was a box filled with of porcelain dolls.


"I am going to use them for my experiments! When my punishment is lifted of course." Nessa said and she picked up one doll and inspected it.

"You aren't giving up?" Nessa looked away from the doll to meet his eyes. Her eyes flickered to the floor before meeting his again.

"What I do... I do for me now." She softly said. When Nessa regain consciousness from the sleep potion, her parents came to apologize about what had happened. Delilah even lessened the timeframe of Nessa's punishment. She put her bright smile on and forgave her parents. But the words of her parents were lingering in her head.

"I don't want to die. I didn't piss anyone off. There's so much I want to do. I will live longer, you'll see Tom. I'll even live longer than you." She proudly said.

I'll even live longer than you.

Tom scoffed at her words earning himself a glare.

"You think I jest?"

"I think you won't be achieving anything with these methods you got."

"You don't know what I even do. You wouldn't even believe the things that I do." Tom leaned in a little closer.

"Oh? Like having your father perform spells on elderly women?"

"It was only one day, I was only trying to see if her dementia could be treated." Nessa defended.

"What end up happening with her?"

"Mrs. Willow passed away eventually. It wasn't because of my father's spells, he performed a spell, similar to an autopsy to confirm it."

"What a waste of spells on an old muggle." Tom said.  His eyes widen when he felt Nessa's hand grabbing his face and pulling him down to her eye level.

His words snapped something inside of her, he recognized the anger in her eyes and in her breathing.

"Say one more thing about muggles and I will make you choke on those words." Her nails grew deeper into his skin when he tried to pull away. He clenched his jaw, trying not to make a sound.

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