Chapter 14

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A few weeks had pass and slowly there had been progress for everyone. Especially for Nessa, she tossed and turned in her bed trying to sleep. A few hours ago she finished making her small straw doll after having to restart it again due to Tom smashing it. The only thing she was struggling with was the spell that would allow the doll to carry the blood inside of it. All of the attempts failed, she knew there was a spell that could make the doll function like a human body. Nessa let out a small frustrated cry before pushing away her covers, it was times like these she was grateful to have a room to herself. Her parents had to request it and offered money, Headmaster Dippet was hesitant about the situation he didn't want it to start arguments with the other parents but once her parents explained why he quickly agreed.

Nessa sat up and shivered, she looked straight ahead to see that fireplace in her room had died. She got off from her bed and covered herself with her rope, making the goosebumps disappear. She tie the knot of her rope and slipped on her shoes, she wasn't entirely sure what she was going to do but sleeping wasn't it. When she head down to the common room she noticed that the fireplace was still burning, she nearly tripped when she spotted Abraxas on the sofa. The boy hadn't noticed her yet, in his lap was parchment paper and quill in his hand.

"It's late." Nessa spoke up. Startled, Abraxas dropped his paper but quickly picked it up.

"Go to bed or leave. I don't care just leave me be." It would be more polite to respect his request but Nessa didn't feel like being polite. Instead she welcomed herself onto the sofa, invading his personal space.

"Taking a page from Riddle's book I see. You'll need a binder if you are just going to use separate paper." Abraxas didn't have time for her, he tried getting up but she pushed him down and snatched the paper from him.

"Nessa!" He hissed as he tried to get it back but she was quicker. She frowned when she saw the paper was blank, both sides.

"What were you doing?" Abraxas evaded her question and grabbed her wrist that held the paper. Nessa let out a whimper and flinched in pain, Abraxas immediately retracted his hand back and looked stunned to see he had accidentally hurt her. Nessa's pained look slowly faded and a mischievous smile replaced it.

"I'm just kidding." Abraxas responded by grabbing a pillow and smacked her face with it. Nessa complained but she was smiling. Abraxas took the paper from her and folded it into his pocket.

"Don't do that. I thought I did hurt you." Nessa raised a brow at his words, she found it hard to believe he was sadden by the idea that he hurt her.

"And why are you affected by that? You hate me."

"But I don't like physically harming anyone, seeing bruises or injuries on someone that I caused makes me feel sick."

"Then is rough sex off the list for you?" That earned Nessa another smack in the face with a pillow. He was about to strike again but she quickly apologized.

"You say you don't like harming people but you are harming my beautiful face!"

"I tried opening up and the only thing you can say is sex." His voice cracked and Abraxas cursed under his breath as he moved away, he hid his face away he didn't want her to see him all teared up.

"Are you crying?" He said nothing but because she asked that question it triggered the tears to start falling from his face. His heavy breathing answered Nessa's question. I really did it now.

"Abraxas, I'm sorry. But you have to understand that we have never really talked before. I guess I was so surprised that I didn't even know what to say." Abraxas nodded his head but he didn't turn to look at her. Nessa sighed but she didn't give up, she placed her hand on his shoulder and tried to make him turn. When he did her hand was still resting on his shoulder.

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