Chapter 24

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A simple spell would've healed Nessa's arm. It would've mended the bones in her arm. She would only need a splint for a few days. A simple healing for any witch or wizard. But this was not the case for Nessa.

Tom remembered how fast he backed away from the girl who was the floor screaming. His feet were glued to the floor as he watched her parents rush to their daughter. Valter cradled her as Delilah yelled to wait and rushed to the other room.

Tom's mouth was slightly open but no words came out of his mouth. His eyes were locked on the humerus bone that was sticking out, right under her skin.

Her parents had to know he didn't mean to hurt the girl, no matter how much she frustrated him. 

I can't be going back to that rotten building.

He felt as if he was just getting adjusted to the place, being used to getting up at a certain time, used to listening Delilah's music on the radio, used to seeing Valter come home from late nights. He was getting used it all of it. They wouldn't sent him back for this would they?

Nessa's cries were being blocked by a sharp ringing in his ears as his thoughts were racing. Nessa would forgive him, he was certain of it. She could defend his case and prevent her parents from sending him back.

They can't just abandon me.

They can't!

A hand gripped Tom's shoulder, shaking him to grab his attention. The ringing in his ears stopped and his hearing became clear again.

"Tom! Please head to your room." Delilah ushered Tom to the stairs and Tom let his body do the work. The cries continued when Tom closed the door behind him. And they continued when Tom changed his clothes.

Tom desperately tried to sleep, he could usually tune out people's screaming or using it as his lullaby but that was not the case. A memory resurfaced in his mind when he was seven, there were more noises back then, the rain, children running down the halls, whispering, laughing. He decided to try to isolate different sounds and tried to focus one at a time, a personal mediation for him. Eyes closed, he began to isolate the sounds.

The one isolated sound he was hearing out for was footsteps. For a while they sounded far, they were still downstairs. Nessa's cries stopped after a while. Heavier footsteps were getting closer, he could hear them coming up the stairs. A door was opened, it wasn't his. A few moments later the door closed and a lighter footsteps scurried upstairs. Tom's eyes fluttered open and he jumped out of bed to open the door.

Delilah and Valter were just outside Nessa's door.

"It was an accident." Tom spoke out. He tried to remain calm but the way his shoulders were moving from his shaky breathing gave it away.

"I would never intentionally hurt your daughter. I was only-" Delilah stopped his ranting.

"Darling it's alright. It was an unfortunate accident. Nessa is sleeping now. Valter..." Delilah turned to her husband and gave him a brief kiss.

"I would like to talk to Tom alone." She said. Valter's eyes soften with understanding and bid the two goodnight. Delilah looked back at Tom with a soft smile and guided him downstairs. Tom didn't fail to notice how she was cautious with every step she took.

Curiosity peaked inside of Tom when she led him to Valter's office. She signaled Tom to take seat on the lounge. She soon followed after him. There was a moment of silence before Delilah spoke.

"It's called a blood curse." She said. This was the first time Tom ever heard of the name.. he continued to sit there waiting for Delilah to continue.

"It's hereditary and it's been in my family for decades. Sometimes it skips but there are times where a mother will also pass down the trait to their child. In this case, Nessa and I got the short end of the stick." The last sentence Delilah tried to had humor and did her best to give a smile.

The Chain [Tom Riddle]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang