chapter 3

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Hello! I was hopeing to get this chapter out yesterday but thanks to school and practice I wasnt able to write on Thursday. I hope you guys enjoy this chapter, and I hope it isnt that rushed!!

Warnings: slight cursing
(F/b/n) = favorite book name


"Should we wake them up?" 

You hear whispers coming from the group. You close your eyes tighter in an effort to ignore them, but when you realized you couldn’t you decide to wake up. As you begin to sit up, you start to notice a slight pull on your waist. You open your eyes and look down at your stomach, noticing a pair of arms wrapped around you. Your eyes go wide as you look up at the group. You glance over at Tenten, who is giggling like a maniac over what she sees.

You start to hear a low groan behind you and another pull at your waist. "Can you all shut up, I'm trying to sleep here" Shikamaru groaned out. The rest of the group backed off, except Neji. "You do relize we are on a mission right now, it'd be nice if you kept your....cuddling for another time". With that shikamaru opens his eyes and sees the position you two are currently in. Clearing his throat, he lets go and quietly apologizes.

Your face is now completly red. Turning your head you look outside of the cave and notice its sunrise. You stand up and grab your bag and jacket that you used as a blanket the night before. The rest of the group starts filing out the cave, you follow shortly after them. The only person behind you was shikamaru. Neji tells the group to start moving and you guys take off.

~time skip~

While you’re going through the trees your mind becomes fuzzy from what had happened this morning. All you could think about was why shikamaru’s arms were wrapped around you. It had to be an accident, right? Maybe he was just dreaming of cuddling a cloud or something, right?’

As your mind was in its own little world someone appeared next to you.

"So, whats with you and shikamaru? did i miss something while you two were on watch together?" Tenten said while smirking. You glare over at her annoyed. As she smiled, you couldnt help but still think about this morning.

Trying to get your mind of things, you and tenten start talking about her shift with neji.

"Oh, well we didnt talk much. I mean we talked about this mission we had a few weeks ago that was really stupid. Some lady lost her dog in a forest and it took like 6 hours to find". You somewhat pay attention, as you look up towards the sky, you notice its probably somewhere around noon.

"The village should only be about a mile out, stay alert now." Neji announces back at the group. You and the group are now alert and ready to fight at a moments notice if need be. All you can remember lady tsunade saying was that something weird was going on so it could mean anything.

The entire group arrives at the gate at the front. Neji goes up to the closed gates of the village and knocks. The gates slowly creak open and a man with glasses pokes his head out.

"Oh! You must be the ninjas from the hidden leaf, come, come quickly now!" He lightly speaks while waving his hands in a fast motion. Neji is the first to step forward, the rest of the group follows after him.

Once the last person steps through the gates of the village, the gate doors slam close. The guy who had let you all in is now standing in front of the group staring at you all with a weird smile on his face. Neji once again steps forwards to talk.

"Hello, we are the group of ninjas sent by lady hokage to assist with your problem" he says with respect. The man perks up after hearing the news. "Oh yes! very nice, very nice, I am Shinji Tanaka. I will go grab the leader of our village so he can discuss with you the problem we are having. Until then, i will have these guards show you to where you all will be staying." The man says with a small smile on his face.

Shinji starts to walk away, while a few guards come up to you and the group. They take your bags and lead you over to the place you are staying. As you all walk towards your residence, the building seems to get smaller.

"We apologize in advance, but we did not have enough rooms for all of you." One of your escorts mentions. Thinking nothing of it really, you keep walking.

As you all arrive, the guards begin to take you all on a tour of the building you are staying at. The residence includes a bath house, a mini tea shop connected to the building, and of course the rooms.

"We have room keys with your names on it, and once again sorry but two of you will have to share a room." The same guard informs you all. We all huddle around the desk looking for our names. As you search for your name everyone else finds their keys and heads to their rooms. Only you and one other person havent found their name. 

Looking up you notice that the person is shikamaru.

'Shit' is the first thing you think. You feel someone nudge your ribs. Looking to the side, you see its tenten. She tries to keep her giggles in by covering her mouth. She proceeds to leave and heads to her room

Shikamaru just takes the key and looks at you.

"Guess we're the unlucky ones of the group. Come on, lets just go to our room." He says while grabbing your hand as he heads towards your guys room. As you two approach the door inscribed on the key, shikamaru has yet to let go of your hand. As his grip tightens, you try to distract yourself while he unlocks the door.

The door unlocks and he finally lets go of your hand. the two of you step into the room and set your stuff down. Shikamaru takes a few steps into the room and then haults. Wondering why he haulted, you step further into the room. As you look around trying to find the problem, your eyes find a small table, a couch, and then, a single bed.

You two glance at each other, sort of just shuffling around, wondering who's going to say something first.

"Um well, I didnt expect for there to only be one bed. So..." You drag it out, waiting for him to say something. he coughs and shuffles around a little more. "Me either, um I can take the couch you can have the bed." he says, moving towards the couch.

"No! i can take the couch, you are probably more tired since you had a mission right before this one." You go to grab his arm, pulling him back. He stares down at your hands that are grabbing his arm.

"How about this, we take turns. considering that we will be here for a couple weeks. I'll take the couch for the first few days and you take the bed, and we'll rotate from then on. sound good?" he asks you. you look up into his eyes and reply, "yes, that can work I guess".

You let go of his arm and grab your stuff, heading to the bed. You set your stuff down and reach into your bag to find the book you brought. You lay against the headboard of the bed and start reading.

Shikamaru layed down, with his arms behind his head on the couch. He glanced over at you and notices that you're reading something. Being nosey, he speaks up.

"What book are you reading?" he asks you quietly. You look up from your book and over at him. "Oh, its a called (f/b/n), its a book that my dad gave me for my 11th birthday. I've read it over 10 times probably." You reply with a smile on your face.

"Huh, that must be a pretty good book then if you've read it that many times." he chuckles. You just smile and look back down at your book. You continue to read while shikamaru closes his eyes to rest.

The two of you sit in comfortable silence for the rest of day, enjoying each other company.


Hehe, I hope you liked the chapter
Let me know if I made any mistakes and I hope to have the next chapter out as soon as possible!

-Liv <3

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