chapter 12

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⚠️⚠️⚠️SEXUAL CONTENT⚠️⚠️⚠️

⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️PROCEED WITH CAUTION⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️

enjoy ;)


The group was startled by the name they heard.  You all murmur to each other for a moment. Neji then speaks to the group. 

"Settle down everyone. Are you sure your boss is Orochimaru?" He asks the man one final time. 

"Yes, or that is the name that I keep hearing; the name Lord Orochimaru." The man replies to Neji. 

Neji contemplates for a second before turning to the group. 

"Alright, listen here everyone, this is what we'll do. One group will transport the man back to lady tsunade while the rest of you stay here guarding the village. (y/n) and Shikamaru, I will talk to you two after we are done here. The ones transporting the man will be Naruto, Shino, Lee." Neji concludes looking at the group he just mentioned. 

Once Neji finishes he walks over to the man and unties him from the chair, making sure his hands stay tied together. Naruto, Shino, and Lee walk over and grab the man, taking him out of the room. The rest of the group leaves following them and heads to positions around the village to guard. You and shikamaru stay behind to talk with neji like he said. 

"I need you two to scout around the village until you find the meeting spot that man was supposed to go to for a report." Neji tells both of you, while shikamaru brushes his arm around your waist

"How long will we need to be out there?" You ask Neji, leaning against Shikamaru's side. Neji looks down at how close you are with each other but decides to ignore and look back up at you. 

"Probably a couple days, but no more than 3 or 4." Neji tells you two. 

"Ok, we'll go pack some bags. See you at the front gate." Shikamaru said. Neji nodded and let the two of you out of the back room to go to your hotel room. 

You and shikamaru reach your room and walk in. Heading over to the bed, you grab your bag that's on the floor and put it on the bed. Shikamaru does the same by grabbing his bag. The two of you start filling your bags up with your supplies. 

"Should we pack some blankets since we'll probably be out there for a few days?" You look up and ask shikamaru. Shikamaru thinks for a second before answering. 

"Yeah, but only one, that way we don't carry that much on us. We can share that blanket or something. I don't think you'll mind that, now will you?" He finishes while smirking at you. You turn away, blushing intensely, grabbing one of the blankets from the bed and putting it in your bag.

The two of you finish packing your bags, and head to the front gates of the village. Once you arrive, you see Neji at the gates waiting for you two. 

"If you happen to find the spot they meet at, do not engage them. Send a message to us using your Jutsu (y/n)." Neji tells the two of you. Your Jutsu lets you make certain things to send to people, like Sai or Shino, so it's perfect for this mission.

You and shikamaru nod your head and leave out the gates. You go around the village, towards the area where you caught the man escaping. Once you reach that side of the village you start heading into the forest, shikamaru by your side. It's late into the afternoon, so you and shikamaru probably won't be out long before you two have to find a place to settle for the night. 

~tiny timeskip~ 

It's 10 o'clock at the moment and neither you nor shikamaru have found anything yet. Looking over at your side, you see shikamaru start to slow down. You slow down with him until the two of you completely stop. 

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