chapter 6

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Sorry this is a little late, I took a break from writing Saturday and Sunday and I hurt my wrist a little from practice (nothing to bad don't worry :)) )

Hope you enjoy this chapter my loves ♡

(F/c) = favorite color

Warnings: swearing


You stayed in your room the rest of the day reading your book to fill up time. Shikamaru went back to the tea shop to let the group know what happened in full and to let them know we should check the area tomorrow. 

Hearing the door click, you look up from your book. Shikamaru walks through the door holding some food. He walks towards you, and sits next you on the bed 

"I brought you some dinner." He handed the food to you.  

"Thank you" you smile at him, taking the food. You looked down at the food noticing it was a bowl of ramen. Shikamaru had flopped back on the bed, closing his eyes. 

"So, what'd you do the rest of the day." Shikamaru asked you. 

"Well I slept a little, and then I got my book out and was reading until you came." You say after taking a bite of the ramen. 

"Thats nice, did anything interesting happen?" He slightly opens his eyes and looks at you. Taking a bite of your ramen, you shake your head no. 

Shikamaru didn't ask any more questions, letting you eat your ramen without interruption. Finishing your ramen, you set the bowl on a table that was next to the bed. 

Hearing the clank of the bowl, shikamaru opened his eyes. He sat up and got off the bed, grabbing the bowl. 

"I'll be right back, I'll take this back down to the tea shop." He opened the door and walked out, the door closing behind him. After a few minutes you try finding something to do to fill the time.Your eyes spotted something in the corner of the room. 

Sitting up from the bed, you set your feet on the floor. As you go to stand, putting weight on your good foot, you start to walk. The first step you take with your bad foot, your legs buckle. Hitting the floor, you sit there holding your ankle. 

"Shit shit shit" you say over and over, tears forming in your eyes.

You hear the door click open. Shikamaru steps into the room and immediately sees you. Rushing over, he picks you up and sets you back on the bed. 

"What the hell were you doing!" He looks into your eyes. He looks over your body for other injuries, wiping your eyes as tears start to fall.

"I just wanted to go over and grab something, I'm sorry." You look away embarrassed. Shikamaru lets out a sigh of relief, grabbing your face to make you look at him. 

"You could have waited like 2 minutes and I could've grabbed it for you. now promise to ask for help next time, and don't hurt your self again. " He sternly tells you, making sure to keep eye contact. 

"Im sorry, I won't do it again." You return the stare. Nodding his head, he lets go of you and heads to the couch. 

The two of you sit in silence until you hear a knock on the door. Shikamaru stood up and opened the door. it was sakura. 

"Hi, I just wanted to check up on (y/n) and see how their ankle is." Sakura smiles over to you. Shikamaru opened the door fully, letting her in. 

Sakura kneeled down by the bed, grabbing your leg and looking at your ankle. She felt around for anything broken or dislocated. 

"Nothing serious, just keep staying off it for a few more hours ok?" She asks you. Nodding your head, she takes that as a cue to leave. Before shikamaru can sit down, you ask him something. 

"Hey shikamaru can you hand me my bag." He grabs your bag and hands it to you. Putting your book away, you grab your nightwear out of the bag. You look up at him. He looks at what's in your hand and gets what you mean. He turns his body, staring at the intricate designs of the wall. 

You finished changing into your nightwear, letting Shikamaru know he can turn back around. When he turns around he notices what you're wearing. You're wearing a (f/c) long shirt with a pair of spandex like shorts. 

Shikamaru went wide eyed for a second, his cheeks blushing. He stared at you for a few moments before coughing and looking away.  not really noticing what shikamaru was blushing about you climb under the covers. shikamaru went to his place on the couch. 

"Hey shikamaru." You ask him, staring at the ceiling. Shikamaru hums in response. 

"Why are you helping me so much?" you glance over at him when you're finished. you and him make eye contact. Shikamaru lets out a sigh and looks up at the ceiling. He takes a few seconds to respond. 

"Well, I don't know really. We've been friends for years but yet, it feels like i don't know you as much, or like i'm reaching for more. I'm not really sure what that is yet. I do know that you are someone I care for, maybe even more than sleep." You laugh at his last statement, turning on your side to see him more. However you can't help but blush.

"Well that's a thing i never thought I'd hear, especially from the famous shikamaru nara." The two of you laugh. 

"ha, there's lots you haven't heard from me (y/n)." shikamaru mumbles softly. 

The thing you do next, you're not really sure why. You open the blanket cover towards shikamaru. Shikmaru looks at you, contemplating whether or not he should go or not. 

He stands up and walks towards the bed. He climbs under the covers with you. The two of you lay in comfortable silence. 

"We should probably go to sleep now, they're gonna want to check out that place we went to tomorrow." Shikamaru mentions to you. Agreeing, you close your eyes to fall asleep. 

As you're trying to fall asleep you feel the bed shift and a hand brush hair out of your face. 

"You know, if you wanted to touch me you could have just asked." You smile at shikamaru, keeping your eyes closed. He started to pull away but you grabbed his hand and put it back on your face. 

He continues brushing the hair out of your face, it feels calm and relaxing. You haven't felt something like this in a while, it makes your heart flutter a little bit. 

The two of you stay like that, listening to each other's quiet breaths. You assume you're the first to asleep because the last thing you remember is a light touch to your waist. 


Not so proud of this chapter but I hope you all enjoyed it :)

- Liv <3

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