chaptet 19

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Hello my loves.

Sorry this is a little late, I tried getting it out Saturday or Sunday but I just did not feel like writing. I hope you enjoy the chapter though!

Warnings: little cussing, mentions of sexual content (referring to previous chapter is all) and that's it.. I think?


"You think they'll wake up soon?"

You stir in your sleep, curling up in a tight ball.

Shikamaru wrapped his arm tighter around your waist, making a small groaning sound. 

"Maybe we should leave them alone, I mean it looks like they're pretty comfortable right now."

The voices continued to talk until you had enough and fully woke up. Your eyes cracked up staring into a bare chest. Moving your hand up to your face, you rubbed your eyes from the sleepiness. 

Shikamaru finally woke up as well, moving his arms from your waist and stretching them back. You both heard lots of shuffling as you two woke up.  

Finally, you both glance up at the group assembled in your tent. 

All of the group, minus neji, lee, and shino, all stood in front of you and Shikamaru. 

"What the fuck are you all doing in here?" Shikamaru groaned out, covering his eyes while laying on his back. 

"Ah, well, um, it’s like 9 am and we thought that we should let you guys sleep in. Since you probably were busy last night." Tenten finished with a cough of awkwardness. 

Your face goes red at what Tenten had said, pulling the blanket you and Shikamaru were sharing over your head in embarrassment. 

Shikamaru opens a single eye to look at the group before throwing a pair a pants and telling them to fuck off. 

They all cackle and run out of the tent. Once they were finally gone you poked your head from under the blanket. 

Shikamaru is still sitting next to you but is leaning back against his hands staring down into your eyes. He sees you looking at him and moves his hand, brushing your hair out of your face. 

"Well good morning sunshine." He says sarcastically, which you giggle at. You grab his hand, pulling at it and rolling over, closing your eyes. Shikamaru wraps his arms around your waist again. 

"Come on, we gotta get up." Shikamaru mumbles into your ear. 

You whine out and tug the blanket closed around your and shikamaru's body. Shikamaru just laughs into your neck. 

"Nope, come on let's go." Shikamaru huffs out pulling the blanket off your body completely. 

However, the two of you forgot that you were completely bare from the waist down. 

You screech and try to cover yourself up. Shikamaru looks down at your body with a eyebrow raised.

"You realize that I've seen you completely naked before right?" He mentions to you, holding the blanket away from you as you try to grab it. 

You ignore him and crawl over to your bag, not trying to flash anything in the process. Once you reach your bag, you grab a fish net similar to a bra/crop top, with a piece of fabric covering the nipple. Then a pair of underwear. Lastly you grab leggins and a sleeveless jacket to go over your top. 

You get dressed once you grab all of your items out of your bag. Shikamaru changed into his clothes as well. Once you were done you packed up all your belongings. 

Since you and the group would be leaving today, you and Shikamaru decided to take down your tent. 

When you step outside, you see that all the others had finished putting their tents away and were talking amongst themselves. This got you and Shikamaru to move. 

It didn't take long for the tent to come down and be put away. You just had to pull it down, fold it together and put it into a bag, along with the rods that held the tent up. 

Once you and Shikamaru finished packing up you headed towards the rest of the others. You were still a little embarrassed from this morning so you stuck behind Shikamaru for most of the walk over. 

You both arrived at the area where the rest of the group was chatting when Neji got everyone's attention. 

"Ok, we should be able to head home now that everyone is here. Shouldn't take long to get back to the village." Neji finishes, turning around to face the same direction at which you came from the village. 

You all gathered your stuff and headed out back to the village. 

Since this wasn't a mission you all weren't traveling quickly, but rather a nice walking pace. A few minutes into the walk, you felt a hand fit into yours. 

Looking over your shoulder you saw that it was Shikamaru. He kept a straight face but you kept a small smile on your face. 

After a few minutes you heard Shikamaru say something to you. 

"Will you forgive your "Dad" again?" He asked in a quiet tone so no one would overhear. 

You thought about the question for a few seconds before answering him. 

"I'm not sure. I mean he didn't do anything bad, he just kept a really big secret from me my entire life. He did save my life in a way, so i'm thankful for that." You finish, looking down at the ground as you continue to walk. 

Shikamaru nods his head and asks something else. 

"Do you want to stay with me until you figure out something with him?" He asks you, blushing slightly and scratching the back of his head with his other hand. You smile at him and nod. 

"Yes, I would love to stay with you until i figure out, whatever the heck is going on." 

After that, you both fall into a comfortable silence. 

Everything is going fine on your journey back to the village until you reach about 5 minutes out from your destination 

A huge boulder size crater is in the middle of the road to the village. You all stop to investigate. Once you all notice that there is nothing there, you start to go around it. 

As soon as you pass the crater something flies right past your face, it would have hit you had it not been for Shikamaru who pulled you back. 

Before you can process what just happened, a large cloud of smoke forms in front of you and the others. You all get in a fighting stance, ready for a battle of any sorts. 

After a few moments a figure walks out of the smoke. 

The figure has a small smirk and they walk out with their eyes directly on you, as if they were staring into your soul. After a few more steps, the figure stops a few feet in front of you and says, 

"Hello daughter, it's nice to see you again." 


Hope you all enjoyed!!

Let me know how you guys are enjoying the book so far or if there are any mistakes! Next chapter coming soon!

-Liv <3

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