chapter 16

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Helloooo my loves. Sorry if this is a little rushed or bad. I hope you all enjoy the chapter! (Also I did not proofread it mach)

Warnins: none...I think


You felt soft scratches against your back, waking you up. 

You slowly open your eyes, looking up at Shikamaru. He stares down at you with an arm resting behind his head. He gives a small smile. 

"We should probably get up. My mom’s going to be calling for breakfast any minute and I don't feel like they would want to see us like this." He chuckles softly. You giggle a little, and start to sit up. 

You're still half asleep so you rub your eyes and let out a big yawn before standing up. As you stand up to go to pick up a pair of clothes, you feel a rough smack against your ass. You jump, looking back at Shikamaru. He’s smirking at you, with his hand still resting on your butt. 

"What, I couldn’t help myself." 

You lightly hit his shoulder, causing him to let go of your butt. The two of you continue to get ready before heading for breakfast. 

You both walk into the dining room. As you walk in, you see Shikamaru's mother setting up the table. She looks up at the two of you and smiles. 

"Well if it isn't the two lovebirds joining us." She giggles, placing a hand on her hip. The two of you blush while sitting down. A few moments later, Shikamaru's father joins you. 

You all start to eat your breakfast and make small talk. 

"So (y/n) is my boy treating you right?" Shikaku, Shikamaru's father, asked you. 

You slightly nod your head before answering. 

"Yes sir, very well." You smile at Shikamaru, who is sitting to your left, blushing like crazy. 

"Good, good. Let me know if he causes you any trouble, i'll be sure to put him in check." Shikaku finishes, taking a bite of his breakfast. 

"Dad" Shikamaru groaned out with a mouth full of food. 

"Shikamaru Nara. Do not talk with a mouth full of food." Shikamaru's mother grabbed a towel and wacked his hand that was resting on the table. Shikamaru retracting his hand in pain, rubbing the sore spot. 

You sat back watching the interaction, slightly giggling. Shikamaru noticed you laughing. 

"What are you laughing at?" He tries to glare at you but fails when he notices how pretty your smile is. 

You stop laughing, going back to eating your breakfast but keep a smile on your face. 

Once you all finished your breakfast, Shikamaru's mother gathered all the plates and took them to the kitchen to start cleaning them. Shikaku stayed at the table though, looking at the two of you. 

"I heard what had happened on the mission. I hope your ankle is doing better." Shikaku looked over at you. 

"It's doing fine, sir. Thank you for your concern." You bow your head in thanks. You're glad he had not heard anything else, you're not sure if you can talk about your father's situation yet. 

After you two talk for a bit more, you and Shikmaru head back to his room. Once you enter his room, you flop onto his bed with a tired groan. Shikamaru joins you a second later. You roll over so that you are on top of him, his arms going around your waist. The two of you sit in silence for a couple of minutes before you say something. 

"Your parents are nice." 

"Mm, really?" Shikamaru hums out. You nod your head returning to silence once again. The two of you are about to fall asleep before you hear a knock on Shikamaru's door. You both groan out annoyed, before you roll off shikamaru, letting him answer the door. 

"Lady tsunade has requested both of you to her office." Shikaku says to you both, walking into the room with a scroll from the hokage. You thank Shikaku before heading out of the room and towards Lady Tsunades office. 

It doesn't take you look before you're knocking on the hokages door. 

"Come in!" You hear a faint voice through the door say. Shikamaru opens the door for you as the two of you walk in. 

As you walk in you see Shizune, Kakashi-sensei, and Lady Tsunade. 

You head towards Lady Hokage and bow respectfully. 

"You called for us Lady Hokage." You say quietly. 

"Yes, I would like to discuss something that recently happened on the mission." As soon as she said that you knew what she was going to say next. Your heart started to beat faster and faster. 

"It has come to my attention that you found out the truth of… your life." You slowly nodded, not really trusting your voice to say anything. Lady Tsunade took this as a sign to continue. 

"I can't imagine how you're feeling right now. However, just know the main reason we never told you was to keep the village safe. We didn't know if you could have possibly hurt the village in any way." She clears her throat as she finishes the last sentence. 

"I understand, Lady Hokage." You bow your head again, but leave it down this time. 

"If you ever want someone to talk to (y/n), we're all here for you. Kakashi was actually on the mission that day when we found you, so you can ask him anything you want to know about that day or the days following. That's all i needed to tell you, carry on with your day." You and Shikamaru bowed, then headed out of the room. 

As you and Shikmaru were heading back to his house, Tenten came up to the two of you. 

"Hey lovebirds, the gang and I were gonna go hang out at this lake nearby.You two wanna join? You'll get your own little tent and everything." Tenten smirked, rubbing her shoulder against yours. You and Shikamaru both blushed but agreed. 

"Awesome! Just pack an overnight bag and a tent and meet at the front gate." Tenten ran off heading to another part of the village to probably tell the others. You and Shikamaru headed back to his house to gather an overnight bag. 

Once the two of you were finished getting packed, you headed towards the front gate to meet up with everyone. 

"Hey guys, everyone is here now. The lake is just down the road, it should only take like 20 or 30 minutes to reach it. Let's get going."You all followed Tenten out the front gates.

Now heading to your...hopefully… relaxing night. 


Hope you all enjoyed the chapter. Next chapter coming soon!

-Liv <3

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