chapter 21

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Oh my goodness hello my loves. It's been a minute. I am so sorry it's been like 2 weeks since I've updated, theres a more detailed a/n at the end that you can ignore if you want explains why it's been 2 weeks lol. Anyways enjoy the chapter.

Warnings: little bit detailed in a sickly manner so if you do not like sick things or the visualization of that kind of thing then you may skip it :))


Beep beep…

Beep beep…

"She should be waking up soon." 

Beep beep… 

Beep beep… 

You cracked your eyes open, blinded by a bright light. 

You tried lifting a hand to cover your eyes from the light, but was restricted by something around your wrist. Finally, when your eyes open enough, you look down and see restraints around your wrist, which were attached to the hospital-like bed you were on. 

Seeing movement out of the corner of your eye, you look up. Standing a few feet away was Orochimaru and Kabuto, both talking in some serious manner. Noticing your movement, Orochimaru halts their conversation and looks at you. 

"Hello my dear, glad to see you're awake now." He says, walking towards you. 

Pulling at the restraints, you try moving away from him. 

"I wouldn't try moving that much, you could cause serious bruising on your wrist my dear." Orochimaru tries smiling kindly at you. 

As much as you hated it, you stopped moving. 

"What do you want with me?" You glared at him and Kabuto, who walked up on the other side of the bed you were lying on. 

"Glad you asked. You see these little tubes connected to your arms and legs?" You looked down at your arms and legs and noticed clear tubes connected to them. Looking back up at Orochimaru, you glared.

"What the hell are these doing to me?” You gritted out. Orochimaru smirked and responded. 

"Well, if you look closely, they’re extracting a light purple substance. What your "father" and "mother" failed to realize when they took you, was that there was a reason why you where being made my dear." You didn't say much and just looked down at the tubes connected to your body trying to see the purple substance he was talking about.

Noticing your silence, Orochimaru continued.

"Anyways, you know very well about chakra. The purple that you see, it's sort of like your, extra chakra per say. It can give you either a boost of power or boosts health, whichever is needed in the situation." Orochimaru finishes, keeping his smile on his face like always. 

You don't really say anything at all. You just want to process everything before you speak. After a minute, you ask him something. 

"How come you're removing it from me?" You say in a quiet tone. 

"Well, you would have found out something was different about your body eventually. So we're trying to take it away before you can learn anything useful with it." Orochimaru concludes, stating it like it was the most obvious thing in the world. 

Thinking about what he said, he was right. When you were in the fight you had noticed a slight feeling in you, at the moment you didn't really think about it but now it started to make sense. 

You were about to say something to Orochimaru but you felt yourself getting drowsy. Looking around at Orochimaru, Kabuto, and the room, everything starts to get blurry and you feel yourself losing consciousness. Right before you were totally knocked out, you heard a few words. 

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