chapter 20

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Tiny little a/n at the end, you dont have to read it though. :))

Enjoy :))

Warnings: some violence/harm


Shikamaru pulled you back from Orochimaru. 

After a few seconds a few others appeared out of the fog behind him. Some of whom you remember seeing at the meetup spot you and Shikamaru had discovered. 

You also noticed Kabuto as he walked up next to orochimaru. 

As this was going on there were confused looks on the others faces. Tenten was the first to speak up about this. 

"Wait a minute. Daughter? As in, ‘you are his child,’ kind of daughter?" She spoke, making you look at her. You stared wide eyed at her and began to stutter. However, before you could say anything, Orochimaru spoke. 

"Ah, so you didn't tell you all did she?" Orochimaru smirked out, "Well, your dear (y/n) is.... I guess you could say daughter. Long story short, her "father" and "mother" came and busted one of my hideouts and took, (y/n) out of her...compartment and went on their ways." Orochimaru finished, continuing to smirk. 

The rest of the group turned to you once he finished.

"(y/n) is he telling the truth?" nIo asked you quietly. 

All you could do was put your head down. They took that as a yes.

Orochimaru chuckled, then continued to move forward to where you were standing. 

"Well, as lovely as this has been, I must take (y/n) with us. We have something important to get to." 

"Like hell I'm letting you take her." Shikamaru growled out, moving in front of you.

"Hmm, is that so?" Orochimaru spoke out. 

"If you want to take her then you're gonna have to kill me first." Shikamaru gritted out. You look at the back of his head, shocked at what he had said. 

"Oh, well that won't be a problem then. Kabuto." Orochimaru ushered kabuto to move at us. 

This urged you all to get into a fighting position. 

Kabuto was the first to move, along with some of the others that were behind Orochimaru. 

Kabuto made a move towards Shikamaru first, grabbing a kunai out of one of his side pockets. Shikamaru took notice of this, activating his shadow jutsu, halting Kabuto. However, thanks to the lack of shadows, Shikamaru wasn't able to hold him for long. 

As Shikamaru lost hold of Kabuto the others were coming straight towards you. You quickly dodged someone coming from your right side, ducking under a kunai. 

You continue dodging attacks until you're able to use your own jutsu. Tenten and Hinata also provide you a little bit of protection while you focus. 

Kneeling down, you place your palms on the ground. You sent a large amount of chakra through your palm, and into the ground. This caused all of the ground around you to shift and start cracking. 

You and the rest of the group were close enough to each other that you were able to make a solid piece of ground as a safe haven. 

Everyone else however was standing on top of the cracking ground. As soon as you knew your friends were safe, you released a large wave of chakra into the ground again, now causing the ground to crumble. 

They all started to fall through the whole that was now in the Earth, probably at least 20 feet deep. You heard the screams of the henchman as they fell down towards the hard rock below them. 

However not everyone fell. 

You saw Orochimaru, with a large cut on his forehead, climbing out of the side of the pit. Kabuto was also not far behind him. Once the two of them were out of the pit, Orochimaru whispered a command to Kabuto. Seconds later Kabuto was attacking again, this time much faster and aggressively.

You went to stand up from the ground, but as soon as you did you felt a wave of dizziness hit you. Stumbling, you felt your head hit the ground, losing consciousness for a second. 

Preoccupied with Kabuto, no one seemed to notice your falter, except one person. 

As the others were distracted fighting Kabuto, Orochimaru had slipped past them and around to you laying on the ground. 

He knelt down to your laying body, taking a piece of your hair into his hands. 

"Hmm dear, it seems that they don't pay attention well do they? Not even your sweet little boyfriend" He smirked down at you. 

You've lost so much energy that you couldn't really say anything to him or move for the matter. Orochimaru used this to his advantage, grabbing hold of your body and dragging you up. This motion seemed to gather Shikamarus' attention even though Kabuto was still active against them. 

"(y/n)!" Shikamaru shouted, gathering the others' attention. 

This caused Orochimaru to place a kunai knife against your throat. Gulping, you make eye contact with Shikamaru. You both share a look of pain. 

"I wouldnt do anything stupid now. You wouldn't want to hurt dear (y/n) now would you?" Orochimaru smirked at the others, and signaled to Kabuto to stop fighting. 

"Let (y/n) go, we can just go our separate ways after this." Shikamaru tried to reason with Orochimaru. 

Orochimaru just chuckled in response and pressed the knife closer to your neck, causing you to choke a little. 

"Take me instead, you can hurt me all you want." Shikamaru tried to reason with him again. 

"It's not that easy. You see, what I need (y/n) for is very important. Lets just say, i can make ways for her to be lot more stronger than she was just a minute ago." Orochimaru smirked out to all of the group, still gripping you tightly.

"S-shikamaru, it's ok. I'll-" You try to speak out but Orochimaru presses the knife harder, causing a drop of blood to drip down your throat. 

"Now, this was a lovely meeting. However, we must be going now so if you'll excuse us. We'll be leaving." 

Before you could process much, a thick cloud of smoke engulfed around you and Orochimaru. The last thing you hear was shouts from the group before being knocked out by Orochimaru. 



I hope you all enjoyed the chapter. I honestly can't decide if I like this chapter or if I should rewrite it. I also apologize for it being a little short and late. I have been busy with some school stuff and practice. Thankful though school is over in about a week and a half so I should hopefully have lots more time after that to write :)))

With that being said the next chapter will probably be out sometime next week, I know I try and update on the weekends but I'm not so sure right now so just plan for sometime between Sunday through Wednesday :))

Have a wonderful day/night/evening

- Liv <33

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