chapter 13

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Hellooo my luvs

I am so sorry for not updating when I said I would I got way busier than I expected. Also this chapter is shorter than I wanted, sorry :((

Anyways I hope you all enjoy :))

Warnings: none??? Idk?


Soft kisses could be felt on the skin of your shoulder. 

Groaning you shift around, feeling a warm body attached to yours. The kisses continued against your shoulder until you finally opened your eyes. Dark brown eyes meet yours. 

"What are you doing?" You asked shikamaru, upset he woke you up. 

"We gotta wake up. We still got that mission, ya know?" Shikamaru reminds you, brushing a piece of hair out of your face. 

You groan, snuggling into his chest, trying to go back to sleep. Shikamaru chuckles but continues to wake you up. 

"I know, I know. Trust me i don't want to wake up yet either but we have important stuff to do." Shikamaru grabs your face, pulling it from his chest. Groaning, you finally sit up. 

Once you sat up you shivered from the cold. Looking down you realized you were still naked. Face turning red, you grab the blanket that was covering the both of you and cover yourself. Shikamaru chuckles and stands up, not caring that he too is still naked. 

Shikamaru walks over to your pile of clothing and hands it to you. You stood up, going to grab the clothes. As you stood up though your legs shook, almost making you fall. Shikamaru smirked at you, feeling prideful of his work. 

You hit him in the shoulder and take the clothes and get dressed quickly. While you're changing Shikamaru grabs his own clothes and puts them on. 

When the two of you are finished getting dressed, you pack up the mini camp the two of you had made the previous night. 

"Let's keep heading the direction we were going last night. It shouldn't be much farther, considering we're far out from the village already." Shikamaru says, shouldering the bag that he had brought. Nodding your head yes, the two of you head out to the forest. 

Shikamaru was right. 

You two found the base within 30 minutes from the camp you made last night. 

The two of you stop behind a tree, hiding from the view of the base. It's not long before you start hearing voices and footsteps. 

"One of Lord Orochimaru's close friends should be meeting us soon here." You heard a scratchy voice speak. 

"Yesss, should be any minute now." Another voice had added. 

A minute after they had spoken you heard another pair of footsteps and a voice speak out. 

"What do you have for me this time." The unknown voice says. 

It doesn't take you more than a second to recognize the voice. You look around the tree quickly, trying to stay hidden. Just as you assumed. 


You look back over at Shikamaru, sharing a distasteful look at each other. You turn back around to take in the rest of the scene. 

The two guys who were originally there held bodies over each of their shoulders. One holding two children not older than 10, the other holding two who you guessed were their older sisters. Lastly, Kabuto in all his glory, in a red robe covering his head. 

"We brought these for the boss to experiment with, we hope these are good subjects, all young too!" The guy holding the children said excitedly, plopping the unconscious children to the forest floor. The other guy dropped the girls to the floor as well.

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