chapter 10

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Hello my loves, I was hoping to get this chapter out sooner but oh well. I jabe great news though. I have spring break next week, meaning I can write as much as I want so be on the look out. Enjoy <3

Warnings: mild violence


When you and shikamaru arrive for lunch, the two of you sit at a table together by the corner of the tea shop. 

The two of you ordered as you started talking with the others. After a few minutes neji cleared his throat, calling for attention. The group all looked at him as he sat next to Hinata and Lee. 

"After we have finished this meal, we will head out and look around the forest once again. Same groups as always, and no funny business." He finishes, glaring at you and shikamaru. 

You and shikamaru both turn red, clearing your throats. 

The food arrives at everyones tables, and you all start to eat. There weren’t many conversations since you all mostly talked in the baths. you all finish your meals, standing up and heading out the tea shop. 

As you all are heading towards the gate, you hear a loud scream. 

The group all looks at each other. You all bolt towards the sound of the scream, running between the buildings. Another scream is heard, this time on the other side of the village. Then another and another. Screams were now being heard on all sides of the village. 

"Split up now! Same groups!" Neji shouts to all of you, running one way.

Shikamaru grabs your arm, pulling you to the scream that was heard to the left of you. Jumping and running over buildings you reach the end of the village border, hitting a gate. 

You and Shikamaru stop, seeing a figure holding a small child in their arms. The figure was tall, and had dark long knotted hair. Their hand, which had long claws protruding out of it, was around the child's throat. the child, a little girl who looks no older than 6 or 7, had tears running down her cheeks. 

"Put the child down and no one gets hurt." You say calmly to the mysterious figure. 

"And why would i do that hmmm~" the figure grumbles out, a tongue protruding out of his mouth. You look closely at the tongue and notice something about it. It had a split in it, resembling a snake's tongue. 

You look over at shikamaru, he notices the same thing. 

"Look, just put the kid down and we won't cause any fuss." Shikamaru says, trying to reason with the guy. The guy sneers and throws something at the two of you. Ducking down, you dodge what he threw, letting it hit the village wall behind you. 

"What a drag, now I have to actually do something." Shikamaru groans, putting his hands in his shadow strangle hand signs. You prepare as well, grabbing a kunai ready to throw. Your jutsu needed a while to warm up, which you didn't have time for at the moment, so you prepared for combat. 

The guy continues throwing things at you, which you noticed are darts, and dodging them. Shikamaru then activates his jutsu, making sure the guy stays still. The man starts to struggle through his jutsu, causing the child to drop from his arms. Shikamaru's hold on the guy gave you time to grab the child. 

"(y/n) take the child somewhere safe." Shikamaru mumbles out to you. 

Grabbing the child's hand, you run back into the village, finding an empty building. You place the girl into an empty room. 

"Stay here for me ok sweetie?" You tell the girl, grabbing her face and making her look at you.

She nods her head, wiping her tears away. You stand up and walk out of the building, heading back towards Shikamaru.

Once you arrive, you take in what's happened since you were away. The mysterious man is passed out on the ground, with shikamaru standing over him. You walk up behind Shikamaru, looking over his shoulder. 

"Do you think it's-" shikamaru stops, glancing over at you. You both nod in agreement, thinking the same thing. 

"We should see if the others are alright and how they're doing." You tell shikamaru. He agrees, picking up the guy and putting him on his back. As you head towards the gates, you stop by the building you left the girl in. 

Going in you spot her sitting in the corner, still looking afraid. 

"You can come with me now sweetie." You motion your hand out to her. She takes your hand and follows you and shikamaru towards the gate 

You and shikamaru reach the front gates, waiting for everyone else. The rest of the group arrives, but you and Shikamaru are the only ones with more people than you left with.  

Neji walks up to the two of you noticing your unusual predicament. 

"I see that we all ran into similar looking people." Neji addresses the two of you, while shikamaru sets the man down.

"Ya, we saw him holding this girl about to go outside the gates. If we were any later, he probably would have taken the girl. What happened with the rest of you guys." You say, gripping the girls hand. 

Neji looks down towards the man, making sure he's still out like a light. Knowing he won't wake up, Neji looks at the two of you. 

"They were all gone by the time we got there. We'll take this man and question him when he wakes up. For now, take the girl back home and you all get some rest." Neji tells the rest of the group. 

The rest of the group, besides shikamaru, all leaves to go rest, while you crouch down towards the girl. 

"Do you know where you live sweetheart, so i can take you back home to your mommy and daddy?" You ask the little girl, looking into her eyes. She nods and points you over in a direction of the village. Standing up, you walk in the direction she's pointed out

While you're walking, shikamaru walks beside the two of you. He grabs the hand that you aren't using. 

You keep asking the little girl directions until you reach her house. You knock on their door, and wait a minute. A woman, who you guess is her mother, opens the door. She looks down, sees her daughter and gasps. 

The little girl lets go of your hand, running up to her mother. hearing all the commotion, the father comes outside to look at what's happening. He looks at his wife on the ground hugging their child and runs over to them. He notices the two of you and looks up. 

"Thank you so much, how can we repay you?" He asks you, his eyes darting between the two of you. 

"Oh no it's perfectly fine sir. We're just glad she's ok now. Have a good day, and uh maybe lock your doors from now on." The two of you wave to them, walking away slowly. 

The little girl waves back and smiles at you. smiling back at her, you turn and head towards the hotel. 

As the two of you are walking, Shikamaru grabs onto your hand again, squeezing. you look over your shoulder at him and smile. 

"That was all such a drag." shikamaru groans out. you laugh and shake your head, continuing to walk back to the hotel. 

"Ya, it was, wasn't it." 


I hope you all liked it! Let me know if there are any mistakes!

-Liv <3

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