chapter 11

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Hello my loves, sorry it's a little late. I hope you enjoy this chapter.

Warnings: some violence, tiny tiny tiny tiny bit of sexual content


You and Shikamaru head back towards the hotel. Tenten is waiting at the door for the two of you. 

"The hotel owner is letting us use one of their back rooms to hold the interrogation. Follow me." Tenten leads you two towards the back room. The three of you walk into the room, and join the rest of the group. The guy that you and shikamaru defeated is sitting tied up in a chair in the middle of the room. 

"Now that we're all here, lets begin." Neji clears his throat, walking up to the guys and slapping him to wake up. 

The guy jolts awake, pulling at the rope that has him tied up. His eyes look around the room, wide and bloodshot. His eyes landed on the one slapped him. 

"Tell me why you're taking all these people for this village." Neji asked him sternly. 

"Why would I tell all of you, huh?" He smirks at neji, swiping his tongue across the air. 

Neji starts to get an irritated look on his face. 

"I suggest you start talking, Neji isn't as nice when he starts to get angry." Tenten tunes into the conversation. 

The mysterious man looks over at tenten, then looks around the room at everyone else. As his eyes scan over the room, they land on you and shikamaru. 

"Oh look, if it isn't the boy and his little slut." He smirks again, licking his tongue across his lower lip. 

"Watch what you're saying you no little-" Shikamaru said, about to jump at the man, but is pulled back by you. 

"Aw, is the boyfriend all mad that I called his girlfriend a slut?" He keeps smirking at Shikamaru. Shikamaru lunged at the man again, this time actually hitting him. Kiba and Neji grab onto shikamaru, keeping him from going any farther. 

"(y/n) take him outside to cool down." Neji says, handing shikamaru over to you. You pull Shikamaru's arm, the man is laughing as you leave the room. 

Walking outside the hotel, you go behind the building, pulling shikamaru along. Finding a spot, you stop and grab his face. 

"Hey, look at me." You say to him, making him look into your eyes. His breathing is heavy and his face has an angry expression on it. 

"Hey, it's ok. I'm ok, you're ok, we're ok. Calm down baby." You spoke calmly to him, pressing your forehead to his. He let out a slow breath, staring into your eyes. 

"He shouldn't say those things to you." He grumbles out. 

"I know baby, I know." You press a soft kiss to his lips and then pull away. However, Shikamaru doesn't let you stay away for long, pressing his lips to yours a second later. He grabs onto your waist, and pushes you against the wall behind you. 

You press your hands against Shikamaru, grabbing fist of his shirt, kissing back. His lips move eagerly over yours, pushing his tongue into your mouth without warning. You moan against his lips, letting him do what he wants. The moment only lasts for a few more seconds though, as Shikamaru pulls back and lays his forehead back against yours. 

"We need to head back in there. Will you be ok?" You ask him, bringing a hand up to his cheek. He grabs onto your hand, bringing it to his lips, kissing your palm. 

"Ya, but don't expect me to not do something if he says something like that again." He says as you giggle at his comment. Pulling your intertwined hands down, the two of you walk back into the hotel and back to the room. 

Once you step in, you see that the group had already gone ahead with the interrogation. The man no longer had a smirk on his face, probably due to how he had a welt on his cheek from shikamaru's punch. 

"Right now give us the reason you've been taking all of those people." Neji demands again, in a more firm tone than before. The man stays silent, not budging at all. Neji glances over at sai, motioning for him to come over. 

"Sai, do it." Neji commands. 

Sai nods his head, unrolling one of his scrolls. He grabs his brush and ink and starts to draw something. Being curious, you go behind him looking over his shoulder. From what you can tell, he's drawing a bunch of small roaches. Once he's done, he activates them and tells them what to do. 

The roaches start surrounding the man, as they begin to crawl up his legs. The man starts freaking out and trying to pull away from the roaches. 

"Ok! OK! I'll tell you! Now get these things off me!" The man starts to shriek. 

Neji tells Sai to stop the roaches. Sai listens, deactivating them and letting them turn into ink puddles all over the man. 

"Now we won't ask again, tell us why you're taking all those people." Neji demands. 

"My boss needs them ok. I'm just a soldier ok?" The man tells Neji, looking away shamefully. 

"Why does your boss need them?” Neji asks another question, trying to get as much information as possible. 

"Uh, I'm not really sure. I'm just a low ranking soldier. Though I have heard he does want a specific type of person for an experiment he's doing." The guy continues to mumble out, looking at the ground. 

"Ok, and where does this boss do his experiments?" Neji continues to press on. 

"Um, some place near here. I'm not so sure, he just has us drop them off in a marked off area. He does his full experiments somewhere else though." At this point the man is just letting out everything he knows. 

"How many more people do you work with?" Neji asks the man. 

"Like 12 or 13 I don’t know the exact number. We haven't been in the same place all at once before; only groups of no more than 5 every time we meet up with each other." The man is still looking down in shame. 

Neji looks back at the rest of the group, glancing at the entire group. You all stare back at him knowing his next question. Neji looks back at the man, and asks it. 

"Who's your boss?" 

The man looks up at neji, staring straight into his eyes. 

"Lord Orochimaru." 

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter, let me know of any mistakes!! Also feel free to join my discord (link in bio) to get the quickest updates.

-Liv <3

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