chapter 22

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Helloooooo my lovessss, sorry this is a little later than I had said. I hope you all enjoy this chapter and there's a tiny little a/n at the end but you you can skip if you would like.

Warnings: slight angst??? Idk lol


The next time you woke up was in the hospital in Konoha. 

You opened your eyes and noticed Shikamaru sitting next to you, dozing off in a chair. You shuffling around woke him up. 

"Hey, how are you feeling?"  He asked, stroking some of your hair out of your face. 

You thought for a second, analyzing your body's condition. You noticed that you had gotten thin, and your body felt very weak and fragile. You looked up at Shikamaru again, answering his question. 

"I feel ok, a little weak though." You told him honestly. He nodded his head and grabbed your hand. 

"I'm going to go find a doctor and let them know you're awake." He said, squeezing your hand. You mumbled a small ok before he let go and left the room. 

Once he was out of the room you looked down at your body again. 

Many thoughts went through your brain, many questioning thoughts. How could you let something like this happen to you? You raised your hands as much you could, looking at how fragile you had gotten. 

Your thoughts were interrupted by the door opening again. 

Looking over towards the door, you saw Shikamaru, a doctor, and Lady Tsunade walk into the room. Shikamaru came over and sat back in his chair. The doctor and Lady Tsunade walked over to the end of the bed. 

"Hello (Y/n), how are you feeling?" The doctor asked you. 

"I'm feeling ok, tired and weak though." You told the doctor. 

"Ya, I bet so. Well, we're going to keep you here for a little bit to keep an eye on you and see exactly what Orochimaru did to you." The doctor told you, looking down at a clipboard that they had brought into the room. All you could really do was nod your head. 

The next person to speak up was Lady Tsunade. 

"(Y/n) I know it might seem a little early, but do you remember anything from when you were with Orochimaru?" She asked quietly, gently sitting at the end of the bed and placing a hand on your leg. 

"Not much, I was knocked out for most of the time I was there. Although one time I was awake I heard him and Kabuto talking about using this thing I had in me. Then another time I woke up, there were tubes attached to me that were extracting a chakra like substance. I'm not really sure what it was." You said, trying to remember as much as you could. 

Lady Tsunade just nodded her head, thinking about what you had said. After a few seconds she responded. 

"All right, thank you (Y/n). I hope you recover fast." With that she stood up and walked out of the room.

"Yes, well, (Y/n) like I say we will be keeping you for a little while to make sure you are doing ok." the doctor told you while leaving, until Shikamaru called after him. 

"Do you think I can stay with (Y/n) here?" He asked, squeezing your hand. 

"Well, I don't see much of a problem with that. Just don't do anything that could cause (Y/n) any harm." The doctor smiled at Shikamaru, then left the room. 

Once the door closed Shikamaru stood up and placed his arms around your body. 

"Don't ever leave me like that again." Shikamaru whispered into your ear. 

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