chapter 15

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Hello my lovesss. Sorry this is a little late, I got a little busy. This chapter is a little bit rushed but who caresss. Enjoy!!

Warnings: like a single tiny kiss idek


You walked at a fast pace through the village.

It took you only a few minutes to reach your house. 

Just looking at it you feel a sense of sadness. Feeling like it isn't your home, how it's all been just a big lie your whole life. 

Walking up to the door, you slide it open slowly. You quietly walk into the house. You hear the sink in the kitchen but it's shut off after a second. 

"(Y/n), is that you?" You hear your "father" call out. 

Shit. He heard me. 

Coming around the corner, you head into the kitchen. Your father looks at your face and then rushes over to hug you. However, you dont hug him back. 

Noticing your lack of affection, he pulls away. 

"What's wrong (y/n)? Are you feeling alright?" He put his hands on your shoulder, looking into your eyes. You look up at him and respond. 

"Why did you lie to me?" You ask him. 

"What are you talking about (Y/n)?" Your father lets go of your shoulders and shakes his head in confusion. 

"You lied to me, you're not my real father." You started to tear up, your hands starting to shake. 

His face lost all emotion. 

"So you found out?" He quietly said. Your tears started to fall now. Your  "father" shook his head, wiping his face with his hands. 

"Why did you and mom never tell me?" You ask, now completely sobbing. 

"We needed to protect you, you would have just been some experiment in a lab had we not saved you." He tries to reason with you, but you don't listen to him. 

"You could have told me though! Why keep all that a secret from me!" You shout at him. He releases a big sigh, shaking his head. 

"(y/n) listen-"

"No you listen," you interrupt him, "You and mom lied to me my whole life. The least you could have done was told me who- or what I am." Your hands make big gestures in the air. 

"Look, I'm sorry ok? Me and your mom are sorry." Your father tries to hug you but you push him away. 

"No, you're not my father anymore." You start backing up, your supposed father trying to call out to you. You dont listen and run out of the house. 

You start running, not sure where you're going but just running. You dodge people walking around the village, around those at vendor booths buying things. 

Eventually you stop in front of Shikamaru's house. 

You knock on the door lightly, waiting for an answer. After a minute Shikamaru's mother opens the door. 

"Oh, hello dear. How can I help you?" She asks with a slight smile on her face. 

"Can i see your son, Shikamaru?" You ask politely, slightly bowing.  She says ok and leads you towards the back, where Shikamaru's room. 

You knock on his bedroom door lightly. 

"Who is it?" Shikamaru groans out lazily, sounding like he just woke up from a nap. 

More Than Clouds Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora