chapter 4

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Here you go luvs, sorry that it is a little late. Hope you enjoy this chapter !!

Warnings: none (i think lol)


You were about half way through your book by the time you heard a knock on your door.

Setting your book down, you got up and went over to the door. Shikamaru stayed on the couch resting. You opened the door to see Tenten and Hinata.

"Hey (y/n), we came to let you two know that we're meeting up with the village leader in the little teashop." Tenten informed you.

"OK, we'll be there in a bit. Just let us get ready." You reply. Closing the door, you turn and walk towards the couch. You lift your hand and shake shikamaru in an attempt to wake him up. Shikamaru's eyes slowly flutter open, looking right into your eyes.

"Hey, we have to go to the tea shop and meet up with the village leader." You mention to shikamaru. He nods his head and sits up. You went over to the bed and put your book into your bag, and grabbing a jacket since it had gotten a bit colder and darker.

You and shikamaru left the room and headed towards the tea shop. As you two were heading towards the teashop, something caught your eye. Looking up you noticed on the ceiling, a set of claw marks. You glance at shikamaru. The two of you make eye contact.

Starting to walk faster, you guys make it to the teashop. You enter and notice everyone else is already there. The guy who greeted you at the front gate is there and standing next to him is, who you're guessing is the village leader.

You and shikamaru sat over down by Naruto and Sai. Shinji, the guy from the gate, stood up and addressed the group.

"Hello, it is nice to see you all again. this is our leader kensei." The village leader stood up to talk. "Hello, I am so pleased to meet such wonderful ninja. Thank you for helping us." Leader kensei said. Neji bows and says, "The pleasure is all ours, leader kensei."

"Yes, now the reason you all came here. we have been experiencing people going missing, as many as whole families. the only thing left being are a set of claw marks." With the last thing leader kensei mentions, you and shikamaru look at each other with wide eyes.

"When did this start happening leader kensei?" neji inquires.

"We arent exactly sure, probably for a few weeks now. 26 people have gone missing even children, we are only a village of a couple hundred. You can see why this is starting to get concerning." leader kensei explains in a saddened voice.

The group looks down in sympathy.

"Well leader kensei we will do our very best to figure out what is happening to your village and return the missing people." Neji says with determination. The rest of the group nods their heads, looking at leader kensei with determination as well.

"Thank you, I owe you all so much. For now, please rest and if you need anything, go to Shinji he is my advisor and will be taking care of you all." Leader kensei finishes and leaves, shinji follows after them waving goodbye to the group.

Neji stood up and looks at all you.

"Alright, like leader kensei said we should get some rest. Lets all go wash up and go to bed, we will discuss the mission in the morning." Neji conclude while the rest of the group gets up to leave.

"(y/n), me and the other girls were going to the bath house to wash up and relax. Do you want to come with us?" Tenten asks you with the other girls standing behind her.

"Oh, yeah that sounds nice, just let me go grab some extra clothes and I will meet you at the front." You reply with a smile and head up toward your room.

You go to your room and knock on the door so shikamaru can let you. shikamaru opens the door and lets you in. thanking him, you walk by and head towards your bag to grab your nightwhere.

"Me and the girls are going to the bath house so you dont have to wait up for me." You let shikamaru know with a smile on your face. he nods and settles onto the couch like before.

You grab your stuff and head out towards the front.

~time skip~

Reaching the front, you meet up with the girls.

You all walk into the bath house and start washing up. The girls start to gossip about random stuff, you're not really paying attention to anything. You're laying your head back with your eyes closed until you hear your name.

"So....(y/n), whats with you and shikamaru hmm?" Ino shimmies her shoulders, moving close to you. Looking away, you stare at the wall with a red face.

"I have no clue what you're talking about. There is nothing going on." You respond. The girls all giggle at your response. Ino being ino, she doesn't let up. Coming even closer to you, she asks you again.

"Oh come on there cant be nothing going on. We all saw how you woke up this morning and now you two are sharing a room." The girls all hum in agreement.

"Ok the thing this morning was a complete accident, and the sharing room thing is only because they just dont have enough rooms, ok?" You tell them throwing your arms up in defense.

The girls still stare, not believing you. they let it go and you all continued to wash up and relax.

After a little longer you all are finished and got out of the bath and got dressed into your nightwear. You say goodnight to the girls and start heading to your room.

You got to your room and open the door. Walking into the room you see shikamaru in the same place from when you left. Thinking that he was asleep, you walk towards the bed and set your stuff down.

"How was the bath house." Shikamaru whispered.

Startled, you jump back a little. Turning and facing him, you see he has his eyes closed still.

"It was pretty nice, it has a seprate bath for guys and girls. You and the guys should go tomorrow." You respond quietly. Shikamaru hums and doesnt say anything else.

Guessing thats your cue to go to bed, you turn of the lights. You climb under the covers and lay down. Right before you drift off to sleep, you hear two words.

"Goodnight (y/n)."


Hope you all enjoyed, let me know if I made any mistakes <3

!!A/n (sort of serious please read)!!

So if you haven't heard, thanks to wattpad and webtoon joining they've been deleting books, mostly fanfics, with mature content in them. That being saying I might have to post the smut chapters on another site ( most likely ao3)

I know that not all of you know how to use ao3 and what not so I will hopefully provide a link and put my username so you can all enjoy those chapters if it comes to that. Lets hope I dont though :))) have a wonderful night/day/afternoon

- Liv ♡

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