🔺 Chapter 19🔻

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Happy Valentine's day in advance! 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍

Every good act of love counts, so...... please

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Moving on! 😏

Chapter 18


"Obianuju, mepee uzo (Obianuju open the door)" Obianuju's Mom yelled after knocking. Obianuju opened the door then returned back to laying in bed while Raymond walked in.

She gasped in surprise on seeing him. "Hey" she said sitting up and Raymond stared blankly at her. "You came for me" "I didn't. Your parents called me"

"So you wouldn't have come if they didn't call you"

"I didn't ask you to leave"

Obianuju rose up folding her hands then she sniffled. "Is this about the abortion? Now I'm filthy because I've committed abortion" "It's not about the abortion Nuju. We made a pact"

"And I'm sorry for breaking it. I thought it was best if I keep it. This was exactly why I kept it to myself!" I didn't want you judging me from my past mistake"

"You still don't get it. You could have told me when we met! We were best friends"

"Would you have gotten married to me"

"Yes! Because I love you! How many times do I have to tell you? I'm angry you kept it away from me! I'm angry you didn't trust me enough to tell me just like you don't trust me enough to hang around my friends without thinking I'll cheat on you. Realizing this at this point of our marriage is heart breaking, I'll have to admit! I'm seriously heart broken and I don't know how I'll come out from this" he sniffled wiping the tears that had began to roll down his cheeks.

Obianuju cried moving close to him, "Baby, I'm sorry. I didn't think it was important until Osas said it was" "So if Osas didn't advise you to tell me, you wouldn't have" "I wouldn't" she confessed and he turned his back at her.

Obianuju wrapped her arms from behind around his waist. "Baby I'm sorry. I'm really really sorry. I never knew you felt that way. When I was fifteen, my literature teacher talked me into having sex with him and I did. At the age of fifteen, I was already having sex and I got pregnant from it, I have never been proud of that action and I don't even look it. You were the second person I opened up to, I swear on my life. I was just scared you'll think differently of me and I was getting to like you, I didn't want to ruin things"

May 1995

Benin bus park

The cries of a baby filled the entire park as Uyi tried to control the baby from crying. "Shhhh, please" she begged rocking him but he kept on crying. "Madam give the baby breast now" one of the women in the park yelled and Edosa who was seated with Uwa walked up to her stretching her hands at the baby.

"Go back to your seat" she demanded and when she did, Uyi placed the baby  on her lap and she struggled to hold it and he kept quiet. "Efe, Efe!" She called out and he smiled.

She made funny noises just as Osas will do to make him laugh and he laughed. One and half years old Uwa laughed too.

Uyi watched her in envy, her worry was how she was going to separate them all.

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