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The three, without Johnny is in yhe principal's office right now, because Ten is scared to go out and see Johnny.

"Look, Ten, I'm still a principal here, please attend your class, you're no exemption when your grades are low" Taeyong said looking worriedly at the kid.

"I'll accompany you so Johnny can't bother you" Jaehyun added.

"B-but what if he insists to talk to me! I-I can't ignore him! I know he made a mistake but I still love him" Ten answered and covered his face with his palms in frustration.

"Then talk to him, then you two would be able to fix it ea-"

"No, don't talk to him now, make him regret his wrong doings and learn his lesson, that way he'll never hurt you again" Jaehyun was interupted by Taeyong who just gave him a glare for a bad advice.

"You're right hyung, he must learn, I'm ready to go out now" Ten said with all his might, Jaehyun and Taeyong just had to laugh at his cuteness.


"Jaehyun!" Johnny called his bestfriend and walks towards the boy. "H-have you s-seen..."

"Ten? Is he okay? How is he? Is he mad at me? Gosh Johnny, you asked that for the millionth time already" Jaehyun cut him off and chuckled at the worried boy "I told you. he just needs time, you two can fix it, may be the day aftet tomorrow?" Jaehyun added.

"Aish! I hate her! I will talk to Mr. Lee, can I?" Johnny said and looked at his bestfriend with pleading eyes.

Jaehyun rolled his eyes and nodded "Be ready for a slap then"

"S-slap?" Jaohnny gulped "Well, yeah, I deserve it anyway, see you later!" Johnny said and ran towards the office.

"Mr. Lee?" Johnny called and greeted by a glare when he got inside.

"You finally showed up" Taeyong coldly said and stood up and made his way to the boy who's now shivering.


"That's for hurting my son"


"That's for hurting your boyfriend" Taeyong said and got back to his seat. "You have nothing to talk to me, you go face your problem on your own, I might be harsh bit I'm just making you learn your lesson, get back to me when you fixed your problem" Taeyong said, not noticing the boy crying, not because of the slap but by the words.

"S-sorry.." Johnny uttered and got out of the office.


Ten is now walking on side walks to find a place where he can eat dinner, he's just too lazy to cook today, that's why.

"T-ten?" the boy froze when he heard a very familiar voice, calking him from behind "Look at me please" Johnny, it was Johnny.

"S-sorry, I need to go home" Ten lied, he called a taxi and before he could go inside, he was pulled back by strong hands "Let go, please" Ten said, looking down and about to cry.

"No, please talk to me" Johnny pleaded.

"Johnny let go or else.." Ten couldn't finish his statement as his tears began to fall "...or...else" he uttered.

"Sir?" The taxi driver called. Ten forcefully pulled his hand out of Johnny's hold and gotninside the taxi.

"Let's go" Ten ordered and the driver, drove immidiately.

Ten looked back to see Johnny crying while sitting down on the cold ground.

"I need time Johnny, please wait" Ten whispered to himself.


I can't take it anymore, Ten and Johnny is hurl :"(



-That step brother is erased.
-JaeYong book is next, the title will be revealed soon ohoho.

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