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"That's all for today...." Mr. Kim, Kim Doyoung, spoke, wrapping up thr class and calling it a day, he took a good 5-second glance st his students "...good day" he then said, and the students are all busy getting ready to go home or wherever they would wanna go.

As all the students and going out, Ten was stopped by Mr. Kim holding his wrist.

"Mr.K-kim! You startled me.." Ten said cutely.

"Sorry, do you have anywhere to go? I need help carrying these work sheets" Mr. Kim pleaded and made a puppy face. Ten snorted, holding his laugh at the teacher's face right now.

"Sure Mr. Kim" he then took the work sheets and walked along with the teacher towards the faculty.

"Mr. Kim, I heard that this year is going to be your last year teaching here, is it true?" Ten asked, breaking the awkward, he is not close to any teacher, just the principal.

"O-oh, yeah, that's true" Mr. Kim answered with a sad tone.

"Why sir? And you look so down, os there anything wrong? I'm sorry for asking" Ten said, worried at the teacher.

"I'm getting hate comments from students and most of the students don't even care if I'm a teacher and said that I'm a boring teacher" at the end, Ten heard sniffles and sobs from the teacher. He felt guilty as he's one of those students who said that the teacher is boring.

"S-sir I'm sorry, let's hurry now for you to rest sir, come" Ten held the work sheets with one hand and the other is wrapped around the teachers back for comfort.

They arrives at the faculty and thank god there were no other teachers. Ten guided Mr. Kim to his seat and sat him down, he also put the work sheets on the table and continued to comfort the crying teacher.

"Do...you....also think I'm boring?" Mr. Kim asked as he's starting to recover from the sadness and pain.

"I'm sorry sir, but yes" Ten said and looked down "But to be honesr sir, I, no, a few students will surely miss you, your cheesy lines, your corny jokes, sir, please don't give up, I may not know you well sir but I feel you, back in Thailand, I'm an outcast, no friends, I joke around but no one cares, don't be like me sir, I ran away" Ten said, also starting to cry, but he managed to keep his tears from falling.

"You're just saying that because I'm sad right now, this university is my dream university, I really want to teach here, though, destiny says that this isn't for me" Mr. Kim said, and sighed.

"Ten?" A familiar voice called him, Johnny "Thank god you're safe" the older approached him, Ten stood up and hugged the boy.

"Johnny is your...."

"Boyfriend sir" Johnny answered, cutting the teacher off.

"I see, take care of Ten, he's a good student, you two can go now" Mr. Kim said and gestured his hand at the door.


"You're in deeo thoughts" Johnny said, looking at the younger who's now thinking something. They're currently at a fastfood chain to have dinner.

"How could we let Mr. Kim stay at our university?" Ten asked the older.

"You also heard the news? Oh, oh! That's why you're comforting him earlier, am I right?" Johnny said.

"Yes, and I really want him to stay and be friends with him, he look so lonely and alone" Ten said with a slight sad tone.

"I know a way" Johnny said with a smirk.


Mr. Kim walked through the empty hallways, he's kinda late and he's surprised there's no students roaming around the campus, even teachers and security, everyone.

"Mr. Kim olease proceed to the university gymnasium, an event is about to start" the announcer lady said through the school speakers and Mr. Kim walked faster, still wondering what the event could be and....

"MR. KIM WE LOVE YOU, PLEASE STAY! WE ARE SORRY IF WE ALWAYS IGNORE YOU, WE PROMISE TO BE YOUR FRIEND FOREVER, PLEASE STAY, THE UNIVERSITY NEEDS YOU AND DON'T LET THIS STOP YOU FROM TEACHING AT YOUR DREAM UNIVERSITY, WE, STUDENTS, TEACHERS, STAFFS, AND THE PRINCIPAL LOVES YOU, YOU ARE NOT ALONE!" His tears fell like a waterfall, as he heard everyone shouting those words, his mind is suddenly processing, he don't know what to do, he's happy, sad, excited, sorry, everything.

Ten walked towards him and smiled at him.

"See? If they didn't care for you sir, they will not participate in this, we love you sir" Ten said, smiling at the teacher.

"Thank you Ten, thank you so much!" Mr. Kim happily said and hugged the student tightly, not even noticing someone who's glaring from afar, Johnny.



so if you're wondering why i wrote this, just wait for the next chapter *wink* *wink*

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