First day of hell

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The sun was not in my favor this morning. I woke up about ten minutes ago and since then the sun has been beaming into my eyes I couldn't fall back asleep. 'I should really invest in some black curtains' I thought. I finally gave up on the whole sleeping in a few more minutes idea.

I dragged my body out of bed and got dressed. I wore dark distressed skinnys, a white busiter top, and a leather jacket. Shoes wasn't even a question, black vans.

I then descended down the steps in the most dreadful way possible, groaning and stomping my feet. I was acting like a 5 year old.. I know. But this defiantly would not be making my top ten list of the best days ever.

Emmett was already in the living room ready and eating cereal watching some show on MTV. I grabbed myself some breakfast and sat beside him. He looked over and smiled.

"Look who's first day it is." he said in a sing-song voice. I rolled my eyes, "Don't start with me this morning, do it and you won't be getting a ride to school."

He quickly turned back to the TV. I laughed because I knew how much the kid hated riding the bus. I propped my feet on the coffee table and started to go to work on my bacon. I then heard Micah calling my voice.


"Oh this can't be good." I mumbled.

Emmett and I got up and walked over to Micah who happened to be holding a camera. "Awe look at you two all ready for school." He held up the camera and snapped a picture.

"Micah!" I yelled at him but he just ignored me.

He held up a plain black Jan-Sport backpack. "Here Drucilla put this on, I want to take a picture of just you. I mean it is your first day and I'm sure we all will want to remember this day." he handed me the bag. He then made some ridiculous pose, "Okay see how I'm standing, yea? Okay I want you to stand like this."

I gave him a quick goodbye gesture, flipping up my middle finger and put my bag over my shoulder. He snapped a picture."They grow up so fast." He said before I headed out the door.

Emmett and I hopped into my car, "I swear him being here this week will be the death of me."

"Or him" Emmett finished.

"Thats true"

I drove to Emmett's middle school going 100 mph. I could not risk being late making it to my school. I passed everyone who was waiting in line to drop off their kids, which so happened to get me a few not so nice gestures and words. I stopped to let him out. "Love you, have a good day!" I said as he got out the car.

"Love you too, oh and Drucilla, can you try and not create to much drama in school today. And by that I mean showing people who the real Drucilla Holeman is." he said in a hurry and quickly got out of the car. I stayed a bit longer to see what he was in a hurry for, couldn't have been for school. I saw him wink at one blonde headed girl. He then linked up with a tan brunette and walked towards the school. 'Oh hell no' I rolled down my window.

"HEY PANTY DROPPER GET YOUR ASS OVER HERE" I screamed loud enough for anybody outside to hear. A few people were laughing at my comment to Emmett. He looked back and rolled his eyes running to my car.

"Drucilla!" He whined, "Not here, please."

"Sorry baby boy but I saw your 'smooth' moves with blondie over there. And then you had the nerve to link arms with her" I pointed at the girl a few feet away from my car.

"Ughhh are you gonna do this everyday you drop me off?" he whined some more.

"Only if you do this every time I do." I said and with that I drove off and headed to the shit hole or as everyone else calls it 'school.'

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