Chapter 24: Its Not Who you Think It Is

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As predicted, Layla told my father and he was livid. He's in LA right now working so he couldn't be home to nearly strangle the life outta me. Instead, he yelled at me for 30 minutes straight and he said I was grounded till 2013.

They act like I tried to lose it! It was my mother's for god sake! To make matters worse, it was the LAST thing I have of her. Maybe I am irresponsible. I had that thing under lock and key and I still managed to lose it.

Because of the punishment, Layla took away my phone, MacBook, disconnected my tv, and said that she was taking back some of my Christmas gifts. This was great huh? All over a necklace I lost. But to be completely honest, I don't fully believe I lost it. It had to have been from the help of someone..or, some people.


Wednesday- Scarlett's POV

I needed to go to Mr.Jerffery's class to talk to him about a grade I recieved on a project, when the wanna be's stopped me to make small talk. Aren't I lucky?

"Heyy Scar!" They said in unison.

"Can we call you Scar?" Carly asked.

"Uh yeah, if you want to-"

"Cool, Scar! So whats been going on?" said Crystal.

"Nothing different I guess.."

"Anything new in dance?" I knew what they were doing. They were trying to see if anything new had happend so they could gossip to the world about it and earn "Gossip Points". Wow.

"Well other than the fact Regan Welch almost fell off the stage during the contemparay judging, nothing." The wanna be's gave a loud, obnoxious laugh that was annoying but I giggled along only becuase it was kinda funny. She tried to turn then leap but came to close to the stage and almost fell off. Their laugh became extended to where it sounded fake. I stood there watching them laugh and noticed something shiny. I peered closer to it and there on Carly's neck was a bronze heart shaped necklace.

The necklace looked fimilar. All too fimilair. Then I thought back to about 3 months ago. Megan, Chanel, and I had been over my house and I was making Chanel more presentable. The memory came back and I relived it in my mind.

"And your nose is like a little button!" I cooed.

"Thank you so much" Chanel gave a sweet smile showing off her braces.

Megan laid eyes on a necklace placed on Chanel's chest and gasps. "Thats a really cute necklace!" She reached out for it but Chanel jerked away.

"Dont touch it!...I-It was my mom's. Its the last thing I have of her...."

I popped back into reality and started getting angry. I had to get this necklace back for her. I had to. If my memory surves me well,

Nerd to "IT" Girl: A Mindless Behavior Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now