Chapter 29: I Feel Free

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I stepped up the cobblestoned steps leading to the door. I took a deep breathe and pressed the doorbell. I waited as Mrs. Mason opened the door and her happy smile faded.

"May I speak to Scarlett?" I asked with my breath creating fog against the chill January air. She looked down at the flowers, teddy bear, and card I had in my hands.

"Yes..uh..come on in." Mrs.Mason turned, allowing me in her cozy large home. "She's in her room."

"Thank you." I slowly made my way up her steep stairs and found a door that said Scarlett on it. I closed my eyes and took a deep breathe. I softly knocked on her door and she said come in. I turned the knob and I stood in her room.

She looked up from her phone, totally caught off guard. "What do you want." I laid the gifts I had for her on her desk and sat on the edge of her bed. Here goes nothing.

"Scarlett, I came to start over. We have been arguing and fighting for the longest and to be honest, I'm tired of doing that. I'm sorry for making rumors, making you feel bad, treating you wrong...your foot. Everything." I could help but let the tears flow down my face. If my vision surves me well, Scarlett shed a tear too. "I realized I have changed for all the wrong reasons and its gone to my head. This isn't me and never in a million years will I ever treat someone as wrong as I treated you again. I hurt myself but hurting you..."

She wiped a tear from her face and looked at me. " I feel the same way. I'm sorry for the rumors, lies, breaking your mothers necklace. I've been living in guilt and I'm sorry too. And...I kinda want my best friend back." We paused for a moment both giggled at each other with tears in our eyes.

"I kinda want mines back too." I laughed.

"Chanel, I really do. This is really coming from my heart. Everything I have done to you, I'm sorry for."

"Same here."


I paused for a moment. "Truce!" She gave me a big bear hug and I did it back. I, I mean we, have been set free. Our hug lasted a very long time and during the hug, I felt the great heaven above smiling down on us. My heart felt light and all the bullshit was just gone! Once we released, there was moment when we smiled to ourselves, a feeling of freedom.

"Hey, you got your necklace fixed!"

"Yep." I looked down and touched it, running my fingers across the the bronze. I looked up and so did Scarlett. "She's always told me everything was gonna be alright, and it is."


June 13th 2013- Last Day Of School

Everything seemed to be how it's supposed to be. Everyone cool with each other and life is like a floating feather. Kayla still lives with her grandma and little brother. Sadly, her mother is still in jail but she says she doesn't care. She loves living with her grandparents and her brother who just turned 1! Megan is still dancing and became friends with Scarlett again. Ray, Prod, and Jacob are the same, stilling joking around and living life one step at a time. And Chresanto and I are back together growing strong. After Scarlett and I called it truce, I showed the real Chanel Perez and we went right back into what we left off. Moral of the story: Don't change for popularity or to fit in, it'll bite you in the butt. Instead, be true to you and you will be set free.

That was a story about my high school life. From being a loser, to a buzzing topic, to the most hated girl in school, to find myself to be a normal person.

Till next time,

Chanel Perez


The end! Thanks for everything you have done for this book! Everyone vote, comment, fan, sharing, everything! I have decided to not do a sequel to this book. Everyone is is fine where they are. Once again, thank you so very much! #StayMindless 1-4-3 -Ash

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