Chapter 22: It Gets Worse

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A faint knock on my door interrupted my soft weeping. I had lost all the tears my body could give off so all you could hear was me quietly choking on invisible tears repeatedly. After awhile I removed my sheets from off body and I was hit with a rush of chill air that had been circling my room. When I made my way to my door, I reached for the knob hesitantly. My hand did a double take and I finally built up the courage to open the door. Then there, right in my door frame, stood Roc with a guilty look. Pure silence arose. I studied his uneasy face with a small, inaudible breath. Without breaking eye contact, I grabbed onto my door and tried my hardest to slam in his face but he stopped it.

"Please Chanel! Let me talk to you!" He pleaded. I continued to push the door so I wouldn't have to look at his face but his arms compared to my scrawny twigs couldn't compare. I gave up and turned away from him with him still pleading. He latched onto my wrist and I froze still not facing him.

Should I give him a chance?

I used all the power in myself and yanked him off of my wrist. He attempted again and tried his hardest to turn me around to face him by grabbing my arm. His grip was firm and hard to break out of so I once again gave up.

"Stop Chresanto!" I yelled at the top of my lungs. I hung my head low and the choking on my tears continued. My body finally created more tears that seemed to gush out of my now light blue eyes. As if it was scripted, he pulled me into a hug and I cried into his chest growing heavier by the second. Though I hated the hell outta him, I needed to just cry. Reality kicked in and I pushed him away from me.


"...what? What do you need to tell me?"

"I'm sorry-"

"Save it!"

"I'm sorry for not going straight to you about it. Truly."

"Yeah you should've just told me when you started to feel this way Chresanto!"

"I know I'm sorry..."

"Yes you should be! You were the first boy I ever thought I loved! I guess I was wrong! And the trippy part about this is that you go to Ray about it but not your girlfriend. This isn't about Ray. It's about you and me! Us! You should know that by now if there was something that was bothering you, you could come to me and we talk about it!"

"I'm sorry but Chanel, that was the reason why the feelings aren't the same. You changed! I DIDN'T feel that I could come to you and talk about it. And if I did you would've probably had an attitude about it and went off on me. But the Chanel 5 months ago would've listened and heard me out. I just feel like PAAHS has gone to your brain. Its like your intoxicated-"

"Get out Chresanto!" I pointed to my door and he trudged out.

I didn't feel that I was changing. Was I?


Next day...

It seemed that everyone was quiet as a church mouse. No one was loud as usual but maybe it was because finals were coming up and also the dance show. I would expect for people to be excited but it just wasn't like that. However, the dance shows is worth over 50 percent of you grade and it was about a week away. Better keep your feet pointed and plie's deep.

My group finally got their outfits for our performance that I believe stood out from the rest. It was high waisted black leggings that had rips coming down the side with a shimmery bandeau top with straps. On top of that, we had custom made leather vest that was red with biker zippers with black/white/red air Jordan's.

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