Chapter 12: Imma G!

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     That weekend Roc asked me on a date. Oh how I love our dates! There always so exciting! He said he'd surprise me and to just wear pants and tenni shoes. Thats all he had to say to scare me. Think about it. Roc is a dare devil! He'd take me bungie jumping for all I know!

Text Convo

me: uhh...If you planning on killing me just warn me now!

Roc: Where we are going isnt scary... to me...

me: Roc! Please!

Roc: Trust me.

me: Fine Imma put my trust in you. But If I die, your coming with me!

Roc: I'll go with you <3

me: Then even in heaven we'll be together <3

Roc: Of course

me: Sounds good to me :p

Roc: Hey Text me later I gotta go

me: Kay bye


Saturday 11:30

Adter going to the gym with Scar and Meg it was time for my date which was at 12:30 so I showered and got ready. I wore skinny jeans, blue ruffly tank, white vans. My hair was a middle part down and very simple makeup. He picked me up from my house and he told us we were walking. I was confused but I let it go.

Roc: I know what your thinkin.

me: What?

Roc: Why are we walking?

me: Yeah I was gonna ask but I just left it alone.

Roc: Because its a 15 minute walk and I feel like we can never talk and see each other.

me: True...

Roc: Truuuuuu (2 chains voice) *we both giggle* But really tho...we never have time alone *holds Chanel hand*

me: Yeah...its kinda my fault...

Roc: N-n-n-no! Its not you high school is just naturally busy. I mean you have  to keep up those grades and manage you friends.

me: Yeah...haha they can be a handful sometimes.

Roc: We need to make time just for us.

me: What do  you think we are doing now?

Roc: Going to an indoor sky diving place!

me: WHAT!?!?!!

Roc: Woaah! Calm down!

me: I didnt write my will yet!

Roc: You'll be ok. Its indoors.

me: Roc!

Roc: *ghetto mama voice* Chanel!

me: Ok...Dont ever do that again!

Roc: *voice continued* Do what?

me: Stop it *giggles*

Roc: Did I mention I was kidding about the indoor sky diving thing.

 me: Meanie...then where are you talking me?

Roc: You'll see in about 5 minutes...

me: Ugh..fine

5 minutes later...We walk up to a track.

me: *gasp* We're going go cart riding?

Roc: Yeah thats why I told you it wasnt that bad! But no you dont want to believe me!

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