Chapter 6: Last Day :(

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I was the first to wake up at 10 a.m. Then I thought, it wasnt school...and I didnt have anything on my mind. Wait...I did. It was TPing Landon. I guess I would just love to see his face when he looked at the new decoration left from CJPRR! I chucked by the thought and went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth and fix my sloppy hair. Then I took a look in the mirror. My eyes were grey and I was in a happy mood. Dang Roc is spot on! Matter a fact, I was so happy, I decided to make breakfast for my guests and family. And It was the last day of summer which gave me mixed emotions; happy, sad, and scared. I went to the kitchen and laid out anything and everything I thought could be used to make breakfast. I decided the menu would be: Bacon, eggs, toast, grits, biscuts, cereal, pancakes, sausage, fruit salad, orange juice, milk, and apple juice. I started cooking the sausage & bacon first in the pan because it would take the longest. As that cooked I started the grits and made the batter for the pancakes. Then I took the buscuits out of the can and put it in the oven. I flipped the bacon and sausage over then poured the batter for the pancakes. I stirred the grits and started the eggs. 20 minutes of cooking, everything was done and I set the table in the nice dinning room. By then Prod woke up to be the first to eat.

Prod: You made all of this?

me: Yes 

Prod: dont lie!

me: I promise

Prod: Chase made it huh?

me:  Hes not even awake dummy!

Prod: Ok, ok dang I was checkin

me: Come with me to wake them up 

We walk into the theatre room and Ray Ray, Jacob, and Roc were all asleep. I have to admit they are adorable! So you know me, instagram girl over here just had to take picture of it for instagram and write "My bro's <3" and tag them all in it, THEN i woke them up. 

Roc: What is that smell?

me: I made breakfast

Roc: Nahh!

me: I did

Roc&Ray: Stop lyin!

Jacob: You made breakfast!?! *runs out the door and Prod follows behind*

Ray: You do not cook!

me: I actually do

Ray: "ok"

me: Ok believe what you wanna but just kno Chase, my mom, nor dad isnt awake yet so, who couldve made it? Casper the friendly ghost?

Ray: hey you never know! 

Roc: I like a woman that can cook

me: haha good morning 

I felt like the world was in slow motion. We both lean in slowly and close our eyes. Then our lips crashed into each others for the very first time. And for me, my first time ever. We smiled at each other as we released then time when back to normal when-


me: You just jelous you cant get any lip action!

Ray: Im sorry that wasnt my first kiss.

me: If you dont shut up your last kiss, would be your last! 

Ray: I-

Roc: Ray Ray, let it go come on Chanel. *walks out with Chanel and Ray Ray behind*

We entered the dinning room and saw half the food gone already!

me: God damn! I just put the food out 3 minutes ago!

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