Chapter 21: Karma

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It didn't take long till the whole 10th grade knew the rumor. It was funny to see how this whole thing flipped and backfired. Now people stared at Scarlett like she was an alien. Teachers looked at her sketchy. And the best part is, this is the perfect distraction from the pregnant rumor.

Same day- 8th period

"Alright, the dress bell is about to ring so I need everybody to round up and sit down" Ms. Chantel called to the hip hop class. Everyone sat in front of her stool as she sat down. "First of all, nice job everyone! You've been working very, very hard and we are almost done with our choreo; just a last 8 count. Starting tomorrow we will be in the theatre! Rules in the theatre are simple. No food, gum, or drinks other than water. Please be respectful to other people's things and keep your things together. Don't talk when I am talking or Mrs. Chantel will what?-"

"Turn ghetto" the class finished her sentence. They said it so nonchalantly; oh miss chantel.

"Ight? Get out of here!" The girls ran to the dance locker room and vice versa. I stripped from my SnapBack, tank, and harem pants back to my dark wash jeans and white puffy jacket I got from Hollister a few weeks ago with chestnut uggs. The gossip murmured around the locker room and I couldn't help but smirk knowing I caused all this. Before I was finished, I placed my moms necklace carefully around my neck. I was always delicate with it; it's the last thing I have from her.

As I walked out the room, I felt somebody forcefully push past me. I tripped and almost fell but I caught myself. Of course it was scarlet but I let her go. I think she suffered enough today from the simple fact everybody was talking bad about her. When Kayla and Megan finally came out, we met up with the guys in front of PAAHS. Megan's mom picked up Kayla and Megan because she was going to drop them off at the mall to pick out our outfits for the recital. I couldn't go due to my heavy amount of homework and projects. Chase couldn't pick us up today so Jacob, Ray, Roc, Prod and I had to walk in the snowy, foggy streets of ATL. My feet just slushed through the snow as I walked ahead of them not engaging in any conversation. After the 35 minutes walk, I went straight to my room and changed not some sweatpants and furry jacket. I opened my MacBook and became blinded by the brightness. The screen became a slight blurry so I leaned over to my night stand and placed my black rimmed glasses over my eyes. I opened word and began typing my book report on Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen.

1 hour later...

I finished typing and decided I wanted something to eat. I stepped down the stairs and heard Ray and Roc talking in the kitchen. Then I heard my name.

"But why! you and Chanel have been going out for months now!" Ray said sympathetically. My sunk to the deepest part of my stomach and my hand few on top of my mouth in disbelief. I stopped walking. I just knew where this was going.

"I don't even know man...ever since that pregnant rumor my teachers have been on me. And I just want to be single again. You know?"

" I feel you"

I decided to keep walking down the steps and entered the kitchen where they had been.

"Oh hey Chanel."

"Hey" I said short, sweet and to the point. I turned to the fridge and opened it.

"Hey Chanel.." Roc said like he had just done something wrong. I reached for a yogurt cup fighting to hold back the tears I knew we're soon coming. I turned around during the awkward silence and they just stared at me. They just made it feel like they were just talking bad about me and became simply suspicious.

I guess my face turned red and eyes turned slightly blue because Roc asked " Chanel you ok?"

That's it. The tears slowly streamed down my face as I wiped them but they just seemed to keep coming.

"Chanel why are you crying?" Roc said inching closer to me.

"don't act like you don't know roc." I said softly.

They had just been busted; I felt it by their body language. Roc bit his lip and looked down. I just stood there crying more and more by the second.

"When were you going to do it Roc? Huh?"

" Chanel..let me explain please."

"You know what. It's ok Chresanto, it's ok-"

"I just want a break Chanel!" He said talking over me.

"but why?" I almost yelled.

"'ve changed Chanel!" Everything went silent but all you could hear is Ray exiting the kitchen from the wooden stool at our island. "Your just not the same any more! I liked the old you. It just feels like now all you worry about is Kayla and Megan and sabbatogging Scarlett. I don't like it and you're not you. I think we need to..break up." The words break up replayed in my mind and the tears just kept coming. Then Jacob entered the kitchen right in the middle. He was upstairs doing homework with Prod with ear buds in so he didn't know that all hell was breaking loose down stairs.

"What's going on?" Jacob asked.

"We're done." I stomped up the stairs and all I could hear was Jacob and Roc arguing. I slammed my door shut and fell onto my bed and wrapped myself my sheets and cried softly. Wow. Karma IS a bitch. And I was the next victim right after Scarlet.


Comment, vote, fan! Keep praying that I make it to my dream HS! Love you! #staymindless 1-4-3 -Ash

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