Chapter 14: Things Just Got A Lil Bit more...Bitchy

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That night- 10 p.m

                  Jacob and I just finished talking like we normally do. I went over to my vanity and stared at myself and saw a reflection of a tired little chicka. I took out my brush and smoothed out my hair before bed. Then my phone started to vibrate. I stopped and looked at my phone. It was scar. She never calls me..this late.  I just picked up the phone in confusion.

me: Scar?

Scar: *sniffles* Hi *sniffles*

me: Are you ok? *goes to the edge of my bed and sits*

Scar: No...*cries*

me: What happend?

Scar: Its Kayla...

me: What about her? What did she do?

Scar: *crying voice* Shes prettier than me, skinnier than me and ugh she just so perfect!

me: Your jelous?

Scar: No...I just dont like her...

me: She didnt even do anything to you.

Scar: I dont know what it is about her...I just cant stand it...

me: Is it becuhs you think she has better physical features than you? *lays on bed*

Scar: Kinda... 

me: Scar you are beautiful! You are thin and you are just as good as her!

Scar: ...........

me: Scar! I just dont get it..You shouldnt be worried about anything.

Scar: *sighs* Your right...Imma get over it!

me: Good, so are we gonna add her to the group or what?


me: That didnt sound too convincing, but I have your word so yes she is. I have to go to sleep. Night Scar *hangs up* Girls these days!


Lunch time!

            When Scar gets jelous, you can read it like a decodable book in the 1st grade. Megan and I got our food which was a fruit salad, water, and chips; the same thing we eat almost everyday. When we sit down the first thing we see if Scar and a botttle of water. Great.

me: Hey Scar, wheres your food? *sits*

Scar: Not hungry.

Megan: Your always hungry after Mr.Jeffery's class. *digs in*

Scar: Not today.

I gave Scarlett a look. Much like this >:|

Scar: What?

me: Drama Queen...

Scar: whatever...

Megan: Ok so what are we doing for the project? Is Kayla in or not?

me: Kay Kay is in our group.

Megan: Really?

me: Yeah

Kayla: Did someone say my name?

me: Yeah come on sit

Kayla sits next to Scar. Then the tention built up. You could cut it with a butter knife.

Kayla: Soo..uh..about the rectial. What time slot are we gonna practice?

me: We wont need to use the dance room cuhs I have one at my house remember?

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